Genital video sent 'by mistake'

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A man who claimed to have sent an indecent video of himself to a woman's mobile phone by mistake has been placed on the sex offender's register.

Christopher Walker, 24, from Bannockburn, appeared at Stirling Sheriff Court and admitted sending the message to a woman in Devon.

He said the footage of his genitals was meant for his partner but he dialled a wrong number.

Walker pleaded guilty to breach of the peace. Sentence was deferred.

He had called the 27-year-old woman at 1615 GMT on 28 January, but hung up when she answered.

However, 40 minutes later he sent a video call to the same woman.

When she accessed the video she saw Walker carrying out a sex act on himself some 500 miles away, and contacted the police.

A moving image appeared on the screen. She was at first unsure what it contained, but quickly realised it was a picture of male genitalia Aileen GordonFiscal depute

Fiscal depute Aileen Gordon told the court that the woman was "disgusted" and immediately contacted police.

She said: "She had never received a video call before and was unsure who it was from, but answered it.

"A moving image appeared on the screen. She was at first unsure what it contained, but quickly realised it was a picture of male genitalia.

"She was shaken and concerned about how the man had obtained her number and contacted the police."

Devon and Cornwall Constabulary joined forces with Central Scotland Police after discovering the phone was registered to a user in Bannockburn.

'Sexual element'

When interviewed, Walker said he had been off work and and been drinking when he tried to send the call to his girlfriend, but had got the number wrong.

Walker, of Quarry Knowe, Bannockburn, admitted conducting himself in a disorderly manner, sending a video by mobile phone of a male masturbating and committing a breach of the peace.

Not guilty pleas to two other charges of sending videos to other women were accepted.

Defence agent Neil Ross told the court: "The accused's girlfriend - now his fiancee - accepts that messages of this sort were sent back and forward between her and Mr Walker and she has stood by him throughout this unfortunate episode.

"He can give no reason why this number was called. It is his position that this was drunken stupidity on his part."

Adding Walker to the sex offender's register and deferring sentence for background reports, Sheriff Colin McClory said: "There was clearly a significant sexual element.

"A risk assessment will be carried out as part of the reports."