Oprah, Celebrity and the Presidency


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To the Editor:

Re “Oprah 2020? The Idea Makes Democrats Giddy and Skeptical” (front page, Jan. 9):

The conversation around what for some is the tantalizing prospect of an Oprah Winfrey presidential run in 2020 conforms to a familiar pattern in presidential politics.

Often we elect presidents who are very different from their immediate predecessors by their politics and temperament. Examples are Barack Obama after George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter after Richard Nixon/Gerald Ford.

It would be hard to imagine two more dissimilar candidates in 2020 than Ms. Winfrey and Donald Trump. It would not be surprising if the country turns to someone like Ms. Winfrey next time. She certainly would impart the kind of values and compassion a majority of Americans are now missing.

But in an effort to achieve radical change and notwithstanding the wide and refreshing appeal Ms. Winfrey or someone like her may have, we should not lose sight of the broad qualifications a president must bring to the office. We must get it right next time.


To the Editor:

I strongly disagree with Thomas Chatterton Williams’s plea in “Oprah, Don’t Do It” (Op-Ed, Jan. 9). Comparing Oprah Winfrey to Donald Trump is ridiculous. She’s an amazing, smart woman who has shown incredible competence in her rise to the top of her profession, despite very humble beginnings. She is not a spoiled, privileged person who got a great start in life from money from her father.

Last May, I heard Oprah’s intelligent and inspiring address to the graduating class at Skidmore College. Afterward, I told my husband, “She should run for president.” I still think so.

Celebrity worked for Mr. Trump. If it wins the day for Oprah, at least we’re certain of her mental fitness. It is unimaginable that she would demonstrate the intolerance, vindictiveness and cupidity of Mr. Trump.

Smart people attract smart people. The potential for intelligent, tolerant people in a President Winfrey’s cabinet alone gets my vote! I’m with her.


To the Editor:

I am continually disappointed by my liberal friends who are impressed by entertainers’ and athletes’ intrusion into the political and social arena. Friends argue that these cultural icons — whether Colin Kaepernick taking a knee, Meryl Streep speaking against President Trump, or Oprah Winfrey denouncing sexual harassment — are the “leaders” of our time, and thus we should all pay attention to their opinions. This is preposterous!

This attitude insults the people who have worked for decades, often at low-paying or volunteer positions, to understand the complex problems facing our society and to actually help those in need. These humble individuals know the issues inside and out, and they have sacrificed the better part of their lives to make our country a slightly better place. They have earned access to the megaphone.

Entertainers, in contrast, have the megaphone, but they haven’t earned it. Don’t make idols of false gods.


To the Editor:

Dear Oprah,

Your speech at the Golden Globes brought the nation to tears. It also inspired a lot of talk about a potential presidential run in 2020. I join the millions of Americans who believe that your strength, dignity and compassion would be an asset to our White House. I have no doubt you’d make a formidable candidate and an admirable president. But I’d humbly ask you to instead join the ticket of an experienced politician, preferably a progressive woman such as Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren.

If you were to join the Democratic ticket as a vice-presidential nominee, Americans could have the best of both worlds: an experienced politician handling policy and a well-respected public figure speaking truth and comfort and hope.

Thank you for all you’ve done to make this world a kinder place. We’re better because of you.