A Barrier or a Fair Fee? Readers React to the Met’s New Admission Policy


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The New York Times reported last week that the Metropolitan Museum of Art would begin charging adults from outside New York State a mandatory $25 fee for admission beginning March 1.

The reaction to the news was divided. Our chief art critics, Roberta Smith and Holland Cotter, disagreed with the Met’s decision, saying such museums should be free. “It divides people into categories — rich and poor, native and foreign,” Ms. Smith wrote.

Some readers, however, said it was fair to charge out-of-town visitors a fee to enter a cultural institution like the Met.

The pay-as-you-wish admission price will continue for all residents of New York, as well as for students who live in New Jersey and Connecticut. But for the thousands or workers who commute to New York, it will no longer be an option.

We gathered reaction from readers, who weighed in on the policy in our comments section. Responses have been edited for clarity and length.

This is a disgrace. Decision makers at the Met obviously have no idea what $25 means to ordinary people. A $25 entrance fee is a barrier. Museums should not put up barriers. They should reach out. I am disappointed in this museum that has long had a place in my heart for its generosity in sharing humanity’s great treasures. My feeling for it is being lost. SUBITO CORVALLIS

We may as well impose a fee to walk through our city’s beautiful Central Park, or to view our city’s architecture, or perhaps even charge for a glimpse at the Statue of Liberty for that matter. Art is to be appreciated by every human being no matter where on our planet they hail from and no matter their economic status. NOO YAWKA

American children up to the age of 18 should have free access. In France, I bought yearly passes for myself to all museums. My daughters could get in free because they were French citizens. Kids need more than videos! MO FRANCE

I have a feeling that many of the people complaining willingly spend hundreds of dollars for a ticket to a Broadway show and/or then visit MoMA and other museums that are charging $25 with no complaints. And a $25 ticket that includes admittance to the Met’s three museums is a huge bargain. LOLA

Although I agree, in theory, with almost every argument against mandatory admission fees for out-of-town visitors, budget constraints are real. This policy tries to “hurt the fewest” of many alternatives. The Met is a world treasure and should be kept open and accessible to all. Charging out-of-town visitors a modest fee so that it remains operational is fair. AMYF

The Met is a city museum with a national focus. It is fair to say that the taxpayers of New York already shoulder a large part of the costs for the Met and deserve a better break. I have maintained an out-of-town membership for more than a decade, and, when in town, I visit as much as I want. Prorated, it is not a bad deal. Cut these guys a break. They have to make the books balance. ARVEY

The Met is fabulous, and $25 is reasonable considering what you see. But $25 is high for many people, especially families. I wonder if the Met ever considered different pricing, such as a flat rate of $10 for everyone or surge pricing? By appearing to lower the price, the Met could actually make a lot more money. PADRAIG LEWIS

Living in Hoboken, I can get to the Met just as fast as those in some of the boroughs. That said, I do want to continue to have the Met in existence and be better than the institution it currently is, so I support the need for a mandatory admission. I just wish it was applied to all visitors and perhaps at a lesser cost. CJFILM

The Cleveland Museum of Art — one of the best in the country — does not charge admission, but it does charge for special exhibits. I think that is a better option for the Met — I would have gladly paid extra to see the current Michelangelo exhibit. KAREN