America’s Image, According to Trump

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To the Editor:

Re “President Says Inquiry Makes U.S. Look Bad” (front page, Dec. 29):

The ironies that are unrecognized by the president in so many of his statements are stunning. The latest occurred during his New York Times interview, in which he stated that the Robert Mueller investigation “makes the country look very bad” and “puts the country in a very bad position.”

I wonder how he thinks that it makes the country look when he cozies up to ruthless dictators while denigrating and disrespecting our allies. How does he think we look when he makes common cause with white supremacists or when he curses African-American athletes who engage in a dignified protest?

How do we look to the rest of the world when our president reacts to all criticism with base personal attacks through undignified tweets? What does the world think when our president lies daily about anything and everything?


To the Editor:

In the interview with The Times, President Trump said about the Russia investigation, “It makes the country look very bad, and it puts the country in a very bad position.”

As is the case with almost all of President Trump’s pronouncements, the exact opposite is closer to the truth. The fact that those at the highest levels of our government can be investigated for possible wrongdoing is what makes this country great, not “bad.”


To the Editor:

In the course of a recent interview with The New York Times lasting 30 minutes, President Trump repeated his “no collusion” with the Russians mantra no fewer than 16 times.

Doth The Donald protest too much?


To the Editor:

Re “The Dangers of Trump Delirium,” by Frank Bruni (column, Dec. 27): President Trump is too shrewd to fire the special counsel, Robert Mueller, as Mr. Mueller’s investigation proceeds further into Mr. Trump’s inner circle.

Instead, the president is manipulating public opinion against Mr. Mueller by lies, half-truths and subterfuge. The American public should pay careful attention to Mr. Mueller’s investigation and his conclusions. There is so much at stake here.