Sex dolls to Salmonella: Here are the weirdest things we’ve sent to space (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

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Humans have blasted some impressive objects into outer space over the decades in the name of research and exploration. Yet some things which have made it into orbit have been downright bizarre.

In a year when space gained its first brewery – that we know of – RT takes a look at some of the weirdest things that have left our planet and made the celestial voyage.

A virtual nation

Asgardia – a self proclaimed space kingdom founded by Russian billionaire Igor Ashurbeyli – launched its first satellite in November, complete with the nation’s constitution, its national symbols, and data from its 115,000 citizens.

READ MORE: Toaster-sized satellite is first-ever ‘space nation’

The tiny satellite was launched aboard the Orbital ATK Antares rocket from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.


Salmonella was flown on shuttle missions to the International Space Station in 2006 and 2008 as part of research into the bacteria’s disease-causing potential The experiments are considered vital to understanding the disease and the development of a vaccine.

Earlier this year MRSA was included in a cargo onboard the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.  The superbug was sealed in three levels of containment to ensure there was no risk to crew.

The Golden Record

Perhaps still the most famous item to be sent on board a spacecraft, the Golden Record was specially made to be included on both Voyager probes launched in 1977.

The record containing sounds, images and musical selection from different eras was intended to educate extraterrestrials about culture on our planet.

The varied contents included images of people eating, licking and drinking, the sound of a kiss and a whale greeting.

‘Beam me up, Scotty’

The ashes of ‘Star Trek’ actor James Doohan, famous for his role as Scotty, were finally blasted off to space in 2012 after previous unsuccessful attempts.

He followed in the cosmic footsteps of the show’s creator Gene Roddenberry. A portion of Roddenberry’s ashes was first sent to space in 1992.

The first human ashes to leave the solar system were those of Clyde Tombaugh – the astronomer who discovered Pluto. A portion of the explorer’s ashes were placed on board the New Horizon as it embarked on its epic voyage in 2006.

Sci-fi props

Luke Skywalker’s iconic lightsaber was shuttled to a galaxy far, far away in 2007 to mark the 30th anniversary of the Star Wars franchise. The original prop lightsaber used by actor Mark Hamill was loaned to NASA by director George Lucas.

'Toy Story' space ranger Buzz Lightyear finally went to infinity and beyond in 2008, spending 469 days in orbit. The 12-inch figure was sent to the ISS by a NASA-Disney Parks partnership aimed at inspiring children to study science.

Dozens of monkeys

Monkeys were the go-to animal to catapult into space between the 1940s and 1960s – a total of 32 monkeys were sent into orbit in the run up to human launches.

In 2013 Iran said it sent its first monkey into space – a significant step in its spaceflight mission.

A sex doll

An inflatable sex doll was launched into space in 2013. While Missy didn’t make it beyond the stratosphere, footage shows the doll reaching an altitude of 31,090 metres while suspended from a weather balloon.

More wacky space launches?

It appears outer space can expect to see more of the weird and wonderful from Earth in the near future.

Budweiser marked the end of 2017 by pushing ahead with plans to be the first beer on Mars, blasting barley to the ISS. Wheels have also been set in motion for space’s first purely artistic gesture – an artificial star.

Meanwhile, a flat earther is still pressing on with plans to launch himself into orbit in a homemade rocket. ‘Mad’ Mike Hughes says it’s the “one true way to prove a flat earth.”  However, it’s unclear if his plan will ever see the light of day as he had to postpone the ‘mission’ in 2017 after a federal agency blocked the plans.