Woman who froze her eggs before undergoing chemotherapy finally has a baby


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A woman who froze her eggs before undergoing chemotherapy has given birth. 

Jenny Redout, 39, from Dorset, had 14 of her eggs frozen six years ago after she was told chemotherapy could make her infertile. 

After she got married she decided to have her eggs thawed and fertilised. 

Five made it to embryo stage with only one surviving to the point it was ready for transplant, the Mail Online reported. 

On the day the embryo was implanted, the couple was told it “was not looking very good”. 

“I don’t drink but even I had a mulled wine and a Pimm’s. We thought, 'It’s never going to work – let’s blow it,'” Ms Redout said. 

“We were staying in a Travelodge and packed that night so we could leave early. But the next morning the clinic called and said, “Come in, the embryo’s getting itself together.”

After a successful procedure, Ms Redout was pregnant but due to her medical condition, vasculitis, a problem with the immune system, doctors decided to induce her. 

Three days later nothing had happened so doctors performed an emergency caesarean and both mother and baby Bonnie were healthy, the site reported.