How Carter Cleveland, of Artsy, Spends His Sundays

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Carter Cleveland started Artsy, a site for buying and selling art, in 2009 when he was a senior at Princeton University. Since then, the company has grown rapidly, and it now offers access to the works of over 70,000 artists, the collective worth of which is estimated to be around $30 billion. Mr. Cleveland said that he used to “work 16 hours straight on a Sunday.” But he got a wake-up call when a repetitive stress injury left him temporarily unable to type. These days, he prefers wellness to work on Sundays. Mr. Cleveland, 30, lives in the East Village with two roommates.

DANCE HALL DAZE I’m out of bed somewhere between 9 and 10:30. I’ve likely been out dancing with friends the night before until 3 or 4, and I go to sleep without setting an alarm. I don’t drink much alcohol and always wake up feeling energized and ready to start the day.

DOWNWARD DOG The first thing I do is change into shorts and T-shirt and head to a class at Yoga to the People, a beautiful studio that’s a few blocks from my apartment. I take an hourlong, tough, vinyasa-style class and am sweating by the end.

NUTRITION, HYDRATION By the time I’m done, it’s between 11 and 12, and I head to a really yummy brunch somewhere in the neighborhood. I often meet friends but also don’t mind going by myself. I like Westville, which has an amazing bowl with mushrooms, salmon, avocado and egg, and Mud, where I order the huevos rancheros. To drink, it’s always water.

KRISHNA TREE After brunch, I go to Tompkins Square Park, where I sit on a bench underneath a tree called the Hare Krishna Tree. The Hare Krishna movement was founded in the park in the 1960s, and I am always inspired when I’m in there. I have a notepad with me and organize myself for the week. I make a to-do list and also jot down bigger goals I have for Artsy and for my life in general. I’m in the park for at least an hour, sometimes two. If I’m reading a good book, it could be three.

HYDROTHERAPY The favorite part of my day is when I head to the Russian & Turkish Baths, on East 10th Street. I am obsessed. They have a super hot Russian sauna and an ice-cold pool, and I love going back and forth between the two. I find it very relaxing. My friend Neil Parikh, who is a co-founder of Casper, a mattress company, is usually with me, and we catch up on our work and personal lives for the two hours we’re there.

LIGHT FIELD WORK I do something arts-related. I have to run the day-to-day business, but, ultimately, I love looking at art. I might go to a museum but like going to small, neighborhood galleries. Near me, there’s Denny Gallery, on the Lower East Side, and Catinca Tabacaru. Both always have great, new stuff to see.

FAMILY MEETUP Sunday dinners are with my parents and my brother, Chris. My mom and dad live in upstate New York and Chris lives in Bushwick, but we always meet on the Upper West Side because that’s where we lived as a family when I was in high school and college. We had a tradition of Sunday dinner at a restaurant in the neighborhood back then, and we’ve managed to maintain that. Normally we go to Nice Matin.

SHIPS PASSING It’s close to 10 by the time I finally get home. My roommates, Emily and Fayth, are awesome but on a different time clock than me. They wake up earlier than me and go to bed early, too. In fact, I rarely see them and come home to a quiet apartment.

COUPLES WHO WORK TOGETHER … I have a girlfriend, Kenzie, and although we usually do our own thing during the day, we like being together on Sunday evenings. Like me, she started her company, Spoon University, in college. It’s a food media company. Since we both work so much, we often spend time together while we’re in front of our computers, and on Sunday nights, we settle into the couch in my living room and plug away for a few hours.

WIND DOWN Around 12:30, we get into bed and watch an episode of “Silicon Valley.” The show is a window into our world as entrepreneurs and has us laughing. But as funny as it is, we inevitably end up falling asleep before the episode is over.