Alliance role in stand-off talks

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The Alliance party would attend talks about the stand-off between the DUP and Sinn Fein over the devolution of justice, David Ford has said.

The party had previously rejected suggestions that it might provide a compromise candidate to head a future justice ministry.

Speaking on Radio Ulster's Inside Politics, Mr Ford said his party would attend talks in the autumn if invited.

"We are prepared to play a constructive role," he said.

"We cannot solve the problems between the DUP and Sinn Fein at the level of total political immaturity they are currently at."

Transferring policing and justice powers from Westminster to Stormont has been one of the most contentious issues since devolution was restored to Northern Ireland.

The failure of Sinn Fein and DUP to agree on the issue has been a key factor in what some have described as a deadlock at Stormont.