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Dozens injured as riot police storm Catalan referendum polling stations Hundreds injured as riot police storm Catalan referendum polling stations
(about 1 hour later)
At least 38 people were reported to have been injured after Spanish police in riot gear stormed polling stations to prevent Catalonia’s independence referendum from going ahead on Sunday. Almost 350 people were reported to have been injured after Spanish police in riot gear stormed polling stations to prevent Catalonia’s independence referendum from going ahead on Sunday.
Although many Catalans managed to cast their ballots in the poll, which the Spanish authorities have declared illegal, other were forcibly stopped from voting as schools housing ballot boxes were raided by the national police.Although many Catalans managed to cast their ballots in the poll, which the Spanish authorities have declared illegal, other were forcibly stopped from voting as schools housing ballot boxes were raided by the national police.
The large Ramon Llull school in Barcelona was the scene of a sustained operation, with witnesses describing police using axes to smash their way in, charging the crowds and firing rubber bullets.The large Ramon Llull school in Barcelona was the scene of a sustained operation, with witnesses describing police using axes to smash their way in, charging the crowds and firing rubber bullets.
Catalonia’s pro-independence regional government, which has pressed ahead with the referendum despite implacable opposition from the Spanish state, said 38 people had been treated for mainly light injuries. Catalonia’s pro-independence regional government, which has pressed ahead with the referendum despite implacable opposition from the Spanish state, said 337 people had been injured. Spain’s interior ministry said 11 police officers had been hurt and three people arrested for disobedience and assaulting officers.
The Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, told crowds that the “police brutality will shame the Spanish state for ever”, while the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, demanded an end to the police actions and called for the resignation of the Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy. The Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, told crowds the “police brutality will shame the Spanish state for ever”, while the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, demanded an end to the police actions and called for the resignation of the Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy.
Artur Mas, the former Catalan president whose government staged a symbolic independence referendum three years ago, also called for the “authoritarian” Rajoy to stand down, adding that Catalonia could not remain alongside “a state that uses batons and polic brutality”.
However, Enric Millo, the most senior Spanish government official in the region, insisted the police had behaved “professionally” in carrying out a judge’s orders.However, Enric Millo, the most senior Spanish government official in the region, insisted the police had behaved “professionally” in carrying out a judge’s orders.
Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, the Spanish deputy prime minister, echoed the position, saying the police had shown firmness, professionalism and proportionality in the face of the “absolute irresponsibility” of the Catalan government.
She called on Puigdemont to drop the “farce” of the independence campaign, saying Spain had long since emerged from the authoritarian shadow of the Franco dictatorship.
“I don’t know what world Puigdemont lives in, but Spanish democracy does not work like this,” said Sáenz de Santamaría. “We have been free from a dictatorship for a long time and of a man who told us his word in the law.”
By late on Sunday afternoon, the Spanish interior ministry said police had closed 79 of the 2,315 polling stations set up for the referendum. Earlier in the day, the Catalan government had reported that voting was taking place in 96% of polling stations.
Jesús López Rodríguez, a 51-year-old administrator, had taken his family to vote at the Ramon Llull school on Sunday morning. Like thousands of Catalans, they began queuing from 5am. Three hours later, he saw seven national police vans arrive full of officers in riot gear.Jesús López Rodríguez, a 51-year-old administrator, had taken his family to vote at the Ramon Llull school on Sunday morning. Like thousands of Catalans, they began queuing from 5am. Three hours later, he saw seven national police vans arrive full of officers in riot gear.
“They told us that the Catalan high court had ordered them to take the ballot boxes and that we needed to disperse,” he told the Guardian. “We chanted, ‘No! No! No!’, and then about 20 police officers charged us. It was short – only about two minutes – but we stayed together.”“They told us that the Catalan high court had ordered them to take the ballot boxes and that we needed to disperse,” he told the Guardian. “We chanted, ‘No! No! No!’, and then about 20 police officers charged us. It was short – only about two minutes – but we stayed together.”
After about 15 minutes eight or nine more police vans appeared and officers began cordoning off the surrounding streets and arresting people, López Rodrígue said.After about 15 minutes eight or nine more police vans appeared and officers began cordoning off the surrounding streets and arresting people, López Rodrígue said.
“They dragged them out violently. We stood our ground but they kept dragging people away, kicking them and throwing them to the ground.”“They dragged them out violently. We stood our ground but they kept dragging people away, kicking them and throwing them to the ground.”
More police arrived and jumped over the school fence to enter the building and look for ballot boxes. After using axes to break down the doors of the school, they emerged with the boxes.More police arrived and jumped over the school fence to enter the building and look for ballot boxes. After using axes to break down the doors of the school, they emerged with the boxes.
At about 10.25am, he added, police began shooting rubber bullets – “at least 30 or 40”.At about 10.25am, he added, police began shooting rubber bullets – “at least 30 or 40”.
López Rodríguez, his wife and children fled the shots, returning to their flat opposite the school. “I feel really angry about it,” he said, “but I also hope people in Europe and around the world will see what’s happening in Catalonia.”López Rodríguez, his wife and children fled the shots, returning to their flat opposite the school. “I feel really angry about it,” he said, “but I also hope people in Europe and around the world will see what’s happening in Catalonia.”
The day had begun peacefully and hopefully in polling stations across Catalonia. Hundreds of people started queuing in the dark and rain outside the Cervantes primary school in central Barcelona from well before dawn. The day had begun peacefully and hopefully in polling stations across Catalonia. Hundreds of people started queuing outside the Cervantes primary school in central Barcelona from well before dawn.
“I’m here to fight for our rights and our language and for our right to live better and to have a future,” said Mireia Estape, who lives close to the school. “I’m here to fight for our rights and our language and for our right to live better and to have a future,” said Mireia Estape, who lives close to the school. One man in the queue, who did not wish to be named, said he had come because “Catalans need to vote; they’re robbing us in Spain.”
One man in the queue, who did not wish to be named, said he had come because “Catalans need to vote. They’re robbing us in Spain.” He added: “Spain has lost 22 colonies. Today it’s going to lose another,” he said. Another would-be voter said simply: “I don’t want to live in a fascist country.”
“Spain has lost 22 colonies. Today it’s going to lose another,” he said. Many Catalans saw their wishes fulfilled in polling stations as officers from the regional force, the Mossos d’Esquadra, hung back. Joaquín Pons, 89, was delighted to have cast his ballot, as he had done in the symbolic referendum three years ago.
Another would-be voter said: “I don’t want to live in a fascist country.”
Many Catalans saw their wishes fulfilled in polling stations as officers from the regional force, the Mossos d’Esquadra, hung back. Joaquin Pons, 89, was delighted to have cast his ballot, as he had done in the symbolic referendum held three years ago.
“Last time it was cardboard ballot boxes,” he said. “This time they were real. It was very emotional.” Pons said he felt Catalans had had little choice but to proceed unilaterally.“Last time it was cardboard ballot boxes,” he said. “This time they were real. It was very emotional.” Pons said he felt Catalans had had little choice but to proceed unilaterally.
“It would have been nice if we could all have stayed together in Spain but the Madrid government has made it impossible. It’s sad but that’s the way it is.”“It would have been nice if we could all have stayed together in Spain but the Madrid government has made it impossible. It’s sad but that’s the way it is.”
Blai Antonio, a 76-year-old retired taxi driver, emerged from thepolling station at the Escuela Mireia in Barcelona with tears in his eyes. News and images of the police operation travelled quickly through the crowds in Barcelona and elsewhere, adding to an already uneasy atmosphere.
“The experience of being able to vote has given me a satisfaction I could never have dreamed of,” he said. “Catalan independence is important so that we can live in a democracy, which Spain isn’t. We send all our money to the government and get crumbs in return.” On Sunday afternoon, FC Barcelona announced that its Spanish league game against Las Palmas would be played without fans at the city’s Nou Camp stadium. In a statement, the club condemned the attempts to prevent Catalans “exercising their democratic rights to free expression” and said the professional football league had refused to postpone the game.
Such a day, Antonio said, would have been impossible under Franco. But, in a dig at Spain’s ruling People’s party, he added: “Although his heirs are still in power.” Sunday’s violence came less than 24 hours after the Spanish government had appeared confident that enough had been done to thwart the vote.
News and images of the police operation travelled quickly through the crowds in Barcelona and elsewhere, adding to an already tense atmosphere. On Saturday, Millo said police had sealed off 1,300 of the region’s 2,315 polling stations, while Guardia Civil officers acting on a judge’s orders had searched the HQ of the Catalan technology and communications centre, disabling the software connecting polling stations and shutting down online voting applications.
Less than 24 hours earlier, Millo had been adamant that the Spanish authorities had done enough to thwart the vote. “These last-minute operations have allowed us to very definitively break up any possibility of the Catalan government delivering what it promised: a binding, effective referendum with legal guarantees,” he said.
“These last-minute operations have allowed us to very definitively break up any possibility of the Catalan government delivering what it promised: a binding, effective referendum with legal guarantees,” he told reporters on Saturday.
“That’s what the Catalan government had promised to deliver on 1 October. Today, we can assure people that it will not go ahead.”“That’s what the Catalan government had promised to deliver on 1 October. Today, we can assure people that it will not go ahead.”