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Reports of active shooter on US Air Force Academy grounds Police comb US Air Force Academy grounds following reports of active shooter
(35 minutes later)
The US Air Force Academy reported on Twitter that there is an active shooter on its grounds. Security forces are combing the area, it said. The US Air Force Academy reported on Twitter that there is an active shooter on its grounds. Police have been searching the dorms of the military school for about an hour and reported no suspect was found.
The academy in Colorado was placed on lockdown at around 10 p.m. MDT, and warning text messages were sent to airmen informing them of the incident, AP reports citing authorities.The academy in Colorado was placed on lockdown at around 10 p.m. MDT, and warning text messages were sent to airmen informing them of the incident, AP reports citing authorities.
El Paso County Sheriff's Office said on Twitter that military personnel and police are clearing dorms, and that there are no reported injuries. El Paso County Sheriff's Office said on Twitter that military personnel and police were clearing dorms, and that there were no reported injuries.
Within an hour of El Paso police tweeting about the investigation of the incident, a search of the academy dorms was completed, according to County Sheriff's Office.