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Residents to be informed about cladding on Glasgow flats Residents to receive letters about cladding on Glasgow flats
(about 7 hours later)
Glasgow residents living in 57 private high-rise properties are to be informed whether the buildings are clad with materials similar to that used at Grenfell Tower.Glasgow residents living in 57 private high-rise properties are to be informed whether the buildings are clad with materials similar to that used at Grenfell Tower.
The affected residents are expected to receive hand-delivered letters.The affected residents are expected to receive hand-delivered letters.
Last week, Glasgow City Council told a Holyrood committee it told government ministers about the buildings, but not residents or the fire service.Last week, Glasgow City Council told a Holyrood committee it told government ministers about the buildings, but not residents or the fire service.
Council leader Susan Aitken has apologised for any alarm caused.Council leader Susan Aitken has apologised for any alarm caused.
MSPs on the Scottish Parliament local government committee had heard from a senior council official that a search in the aftermath of the Grenfell fire tragedy in London had found combustible cladding on some private flats - but the council had not gone public and informed the owners of the buildings.MSPs on the Scottish Parliament local government committee had heard from a senior council official that a search in the aftermath of the Grenfell fire tragedy in London had found combustible cladding on some private flats - but the council had not gone public and informed the owners of the buildings.
Raymond Barlow, the assistant head of planning and building standards at Glasgow City Council, said at the time the authority had been waiting to hear from the Scottish government on the issue.Raymond Barlow, the assistant head of planning and building standards at Glasgow City Council, said at the time the authority had been waiting to hear from the Scottish government on the issue.
But Housing Minister Kevin Stewart strongly criticised the council for initially refusing an offer of government help.But Housing Minister Kevin Stewart strongly criticised the council for initially refusing an offer of government help.
"It took the intervention of the council leader to get building standards officers in Glasgow to accept that help," he said. "That, to me, is unacceptable.""It took the intervention of the council leader to get building standards officers in Glasgow to accept that help," he said. "That, to me, is unacceptable."
Since the revelation at Holyrood, officials from the council and the Scottish government have been sifting through records of private properties to find where and to what extent the type of cladding has been used.Since the revelation at Holyrood, officials from the council and the Scottish government have been sifting through records of private properties to find where and to what extent the type of cladding has been used.
Ms Aitken said she was reasonably confident that the council would be able to reassure the vast majority - if not all - residents.Ms Aitken said she was reasonably confident that the council would be able to reassure the vast majority - if not all - residents.
"There is not a Grenfell waiting to happen in Glasgow," she said. "There has been no indication that is the case.""There is not a Grenfell waiting to happen in Glasgow," she said. "There has been no indication that is the case."
On Wednesday, David McGown, assistant chief officer of Scottish Fire and Rescue, said officers had visited 42 of the 57 properties identified by Glasgow City Council and it will have completed its inspections of the remaining 15 within days.On Wednesday, David McGown, assistant chief officer of Scottish Fire and Rescue, said officers had visited 42 of the 57 properties identified by Glasgow City Council and it will have completed its inspections of the remaining 15 within days.