McCain's dismay over online abuse for TV ad gay dads

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A food company that featured a gay couple and their son in a TV advert says it is "disappointed" the family has been subjected to online abuse.

Lee and Mat Samuels-Camozzi, from Cheshire, appeared in the McCain chips advert earlier this month.

The couple said they were shocked by the level of nastiness and said one online troll called them "sick".

However, they said there were more positive than negative comments and would choose to appear in the ad again.

Lee, 35, the couple were left "disheartened" but said "for all the negativity we had lots of hugely supportive comments".

McCain said the advert, which was part of the frozen food firm's We Are Family campaign, was intended to celebrate the diversity of modern day family life.

But Lee said he and 31-year-old Mat were shocked by some of the comments they read online about the advert.

'People supporting us'

"It is the 21st Century, times have changed. There are no 'normal' families," he said.

"We are not ashamed. [Our son] has such a loving environment and wants for nothing."

He added: "We are blessed to have him and he is blessed to have us."

He said the advert they appeared in received three times as many comments as all of the others broadcast so far, with the vast majority being positive.

"It went viral and we've had comments from all over the world, with people who don't even know us supporting us," Lee added.

McCain marketing director Mark Hodge said the purpose of the adverts was "to shine a light on and celebrate families of all shapes and sizes... and celebrate the diversity of UK families".

He added: "We have received overwhelming support for the campaign, but we are disappointed that there's a minority of individuals who have been verbally abusive to the real families that feature in our advertising."