George's freedom is headline news

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On almost all of the front pages, Barry George is pictured leaving court as a free man after he was found not guilty of murdering TV personality Jill Dando.

"Innocent!" is the Daily Mail's headline.

The exclamation mark apparently shows the paper's surprise at the failure of the police to catch a killer and at the collapse of what once seemed such a strong case.

The Daily Star calls the outcome of the case a "shocker" and says "someone has got away with our Jill's murder".

Trading places

The Sun has a headline to chill ministers on their summer break.

Those Gordon Brown considers to be "flops", it says, "face the chop" in a September reshuffle.

The Independent is just one paper to predict Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Chancellor Alistair Darling are in for a job swap.

Meanwhile, the Financial Times says just two out of 20 party chairmen it questioned in marginal constituencies felt Mr Miliband would make a better leader.

Financial concerns

The apparent collapse of a deal to sell nuclear power stations to a French company leaves some feeling upbeat and others fearing for the future.

The Daily Mail worries that without urgent action the country could lose 40% of its generating capacity.

Another financial matter is covered in the Daily Mirror which features a family who claim the credit crunch has forced them to live in a car.

They say they lost their home when their mortgage payments went up by £200 a month.

Past times

An exhibition to mark 70 years of the Beano comic provokes a childhood reverie from the Guardian's Simon Hoggart.

He recalls the excitement of rushing to buy the latest issue, then reading it on a railway footbridge as steam locomotives passed below.

Darker contrasts with today's society are offered in the Daily Telegraph by the artist who created Minnie the Minx.

"The Bash Street Kids did not hit each other, or anybody else," writes Leo Baxendale. "There was no bullying."