Front pages show Karadzic in court

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The stony-faced image of former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic in court at the Hague stares out from many of Friday's front pages.

The Guardian describes his face as having a "waxy, almost death-like pallor" while the Daily Telegraph says he looked tired and gaunt.

The Daily Mirror says the real face of evil was seen in the Hague - without his oversized glasses and shaggy beard.

And the Independent says he has developed a new tic - chewing his lip while the indictment was read out.

Staying home

David Miliband's decision to cancel a trip to India at the start of next month excites a number of newspapers.

The Guardian says it is the point at which a drive against Gordon Brown might be launched, but the Times says Mr Brown ordered him to stay home.

According to the Daily Mail, Mr Brown has rejected calls from some Labour MPs to sack his foreign secretary.

Meanwhile, an opinion poll for the Telegraph suggests Gordon Brown's popularity is at its lowest ebb.

Water fight

There are dramatic pictures on the inside pages of a girl being punched during an event organised on the social networking site, Facebook.

Under the headline "Hit in the Facebook", the Sun explains how the girl playfully squirted fizzy drink over a man's T-shirt in Hyde Park, London.

The Daily Star says after chasing the laughing teenager, the man landed a brutal right hook and shouted abuse at her.

It reports that what began as a playful water fight quickly turned violent.

Still funny?

In a Times column, glamour model Katie Price says snobbery led to her being snubbed by organisers of a polo match.

And the Daily Mirror reports that researchers have drawn up a list of some of the world's oldest jokes.

"Something which has never occurred since time immemorial: a young woman did not break wind in her husband's lap," is the oldest one.

The paper's verdict on the Sumerian proverb is that it, along with other jokes, does not stand the test of time.