Gangs clash in Nigeria oil region

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A turf war between two militant gangs in Nigeria's restive Niger Delta region has killed at least one soldier and two militants, the army says.

Fighting flared on Tuesday night between gangs in Abonnema, 14km from the Rivers State capital Port Harcourt.

Soldiers sent to quell the violence were ambushed on the way, a military spokesman told Reuters news agency.

Gang fights are common in the Delta, where youths are funded and armed by oil-stealing cartels.

"Unfortunately, our men were ambushed by the militants and there was heavy exchange of gunfire. We lost one soldier and killed two militants in the ensuing battle," military spokesman Lt Col Sagir Musa told Reuters.

It is believed one of the gangs involved is led by Soboma George.

His gang was implicated in the violence that surrounded last year's elections.

In August last year, his gang clashed with another over a two-week period in Port Harcourt.

Dozens were killed and wounded and a curfew was announced.