Milk Cup teams move after abuse

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Two teams from Dublin taking part in the Milk Cup have been moved after stones were thrown at the buildings in which they were staying.

It is believed they were also subjected to sectarian abuse on Monday night.

Crumlin United and Cherry Orchard were staying in a block of flats in Cromore Court, Coleraine.

Police said stones were thrown at about 2230 BST on Monday. A 19-year-old man has been arrested by police for questioning.

Paul Hammond from Crumlin United said sectarian remarks were shouted.

"There were bottles, cans of beer, bricks and all sorts coming over towards the kids. The kids were terrified. Some of them are 14, others are 15," he said.

Jim Sandford, a public relations officer for the Milk Cup said in the 26 years of the tournament, there had never been incidents like this.

"We totally deplore the behaviour of a number of those young people," he said.

"It does not reflect well on Coleraine and it is not indicative of the welcome that is given to the teams.

"In our 26 years of existence we never had to pull the plug on the tournament and we never had incidents like this."

He said he believed it was drink fuelled.