Falcon flees city seagull attack


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A falcon has gone missing in Glasgow after being attacked by a flock of about 50 urban seagulls.

It was part of a birds of prey demonstration being held at Glasgow Green at the weekend.

The Gyr falcon, named Goose, belongs to the Cumberland Bird of Prey Centre at Kirtlebridge near Lockerbie.

Falconer Gary Swainson said the bird was fitted with a small transmitter and other bird owners in the Glasgow area were helping try to track it down.

Mr Swainson said he remained hopeful of finding the falcon which went missing on Saturday evening.

"He is still at large," he told BBC Scotland news website.

"I was doing the Glasgow Green show on Saturday and Sunday and we lost him at the end of day one."

Mr Swainson said his bird had only just taken flight when it came under attack.

He added: "The problem with city seagulls is getting so bad that as soon as we put him up in the air they have driven him off.

"When you have got about 40 to 50 seagulls then even for the bravest falcon it can be quite daunting."

'Bit of interest'

Initial attempts to track the bird using a transmitter attached to his leg failed.

Mr Swainson said that in the countryside it worked for about five to six miles, but that operating distance could be significantly reduced in city surroundings.

Efforts to find the falcon are still continuing.

Mr Swainson said: "I have got falconer friends who fly birds there and they are tuned in to try to pick up the signal.

"There has been quite a bit of interest from the newspapers and the more people are aware of the fact he is missing the more people we have got looking out."

He asked anybody who sighted the missing bird to contact the bird of prey centre.