Fan in rehab months after attack

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A Connaught rugby fan attacked in Belfast in April is still being treated at a rehabilitation centre.

Paul Newton, from Sligo, had travelled to the city to watch Connaught play Ulster at Ravenhill.

But just hours after the match, he suffered serious head injuries in an attack in Bradbury Place.

His wife Margaret has said despite the seriousness of his injuries, Paul is making remarkable progress and is now allowed home at weekends.

"Paul in my mind has come so far, but I'm not so silly as to assume that he's perfect just yet because he does still need a lot of rest," she said.

"Out of 100, I'd said he's done 85 or 90% of the work."

Mr Newton is being treated at a rehabilitation centre in his hometown of Sligo.

The 6ft 5ins former GAA county senior footballer was staying with friends at a hotel in Belfast's Bradbury Place when he decided to go out for a snack.

He was suffered a fractured skull and broken jaw in the attack which ensued.

Earlier this year, Mrs Newton thanked the people of Belfast for their support following the incident.