Bird-brained vandal attacks cars

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A Worcestershire man who thought vandals were attacking the family cars with pen knives was shocked to discover the culprit had feathers.

Adam Fradgley, 35, a photographer from Bewdley, set up a camera to catch those responsible for the £2,000 damage.

An Audi A2 and Golf GTI were attacked for several weeks before Mr Fradgley realised a chaffinch was to blame.

He believes the territorial bird was attacking its own reflection. "He must have thought it was a rival," he said.

He added: "It's a bit unusual for them to have a go at cars - they are usually quite timid."

CHAFFINCH FACTS Recent studies have shown that chaffinch songs vary according to the region, a bit like a human accentThey build neatly constructed nests, usually found in trees or a bush close to the trunkThere are thought to be as many as 5,400,000 pairs breeding in Britain

Mr Fradgley believes the chaffinch spotted its reflection in the cars' windows.

He said the tiny bird had taken chunks out of the bodywork around the windows and mirrors and windows of the cars which were parked on the driveway.

"I couldn't draw a conclusion as to what was causing the damage because it was a strange type of damage," he said.

"I thought it was kids using pen knives. It had been happening for a good three weeks before we realised what was causing it."

He said he and his wife now park their cars in a different position on their driveway in order to stop the reflection.

"So far the bird has stayed away," he said. "But we are expecting him back at any time.

"There's nothing we can do - it's not his fault."