House seller's weekly £1,000 cut

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A seller caught out by the property slump is knocking £1,000 a week off the price of a house until it is sold.

The four-bedroom home in Skewen near Neath first went on sale at £149,950 but now its down to £120,950.

John Parker whose company PXS bought the house last year for an undisclosed price said he was inspired by a shop-owner who did the same to sell sofas.

The estate agent who is dealing with the sale said she expected the house to be snapped-up very shortly.

After initially putting it on the market in December Mr Parker re-advertised it for £125,000 a month ago and £1,000 is being lobbed off the asking price each week.

The 52-year-old said: "The market is more uncertain now than in the past so it is harder to sell now than it would have been nine months ago.

"I would have hoped to sell this house within a couple of months but we had to have a rethink when the credit crunch kicked in.

A house is only worth what someone else will pay for it Jayne Pearce, estate agent

"There are still house buyers out there but they are playing a waiting game.

"But I hope someone will think 'If I don't make an offer now, I'm going to lose out altogether.'"

"The offers are already starting to come in - it is only a matter of time."

Jayne Pearce, sales manager at Peter Morgan Estate agents, who is handling the sale, said: "A house is only worth what someone else will pay for it.

"The vendor has realised the situation throughout the country has changed quite dramatically."

Ms Pearce said she felt it was now very competitively priced.

She said one offer for the house had been turned down but another was being considered.

"We have a number of viewings this weekend - the publicity has certainly worked," she added.