'Disgraced' Darwins lead papers


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The faces of John and Anne Darwin stare out from most of the front pages.

"Shock and oar" says the Sun, as the back-from-the-dead canoeist and his wife get more than six years in jail - "admirably stiff sentences", it adds.

The Daily Express is clear in its view. "Disgraced, disowned, destroyed" is its take on the Darwins' wrecked lives.

But the Daily Mirror suspects all might not be lost for them. It says Anne has "stashed away" a "million-dollar nest egg" in Panama for after her release.

'Not The One'

As presidential hopeful Barack Obama continues his foreign tour, some papers warn against the dangers of too much "Obamania".

Iain Martin in the Daily Telegraph says he is not "The One" and has little hope of achieving his foreign policy aims.

The Daily Mail says vital questions about his judgement, consistency and honesty are being ignored because we desperately want to believe in him.

Rival John McCain has even made an advert about him, set to the tune of You're Just Too Good To Be True, writes the Times.

Online traces

The Independent leads with the story of new plans by the music industry to tax illegal downloaders.

It says artists themselves would take a share of the revenue generated, but legal download sites, like iTunes could "feel the pinch" too.

The Times says we could all see our internet habits being more closely monitored as a result.

It points out that, while most people will not face sanction, "they will have the realisation that everything they do online leaves a trace".

Back to wax

A waxwork model of singer Amy Winehouse gives some papers cause for merriment.

The figure "makes the dishevelled star smart, stylish and fresh faced", says the Daily Mail. "The artists at Madame Tussauds must be losing their touch."

The Sun's view of the creators' skills is effusive: "Madame Tussauds have created a masterpiece Amy Winehouse would be honoured to look like."

Even her father Mitch says he plans to "take the real one back" and keep the wax version, claims the Daily Mirror.