Hutton shrugs off sacking report

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Business Secretary John Hutton has shrugged off reports that union bosses are calling for him to be sacked.

According to The Times, union leaders say there has been a complete "breakdown in relations" with him.

Gordon Brown is said to be coming under pressure from the unions to remove him from his post in an autumn reshuffle.

Mr Hutton told the BBC he was not aware of a problem, but added that it was up to the PM to decide whether he keeps his job - and not the unions.

He spoke out as Cabinet and party chiefs are set to gather at Warwick University for a National Policy Forum in which the unions are expected to put 100 demands to the government seeking new workers' rights.

I try to have good relations with all of the people we work with in the department, including the trade unions and, of course, the employers too John HuttonBusiness Secretary

Mr Hutton, who is in Cumbria launching a major regeneration plan for the region, would not comment directly on allegations that the unions wanted him to go.

Asked about the stories in Wednesday's newspapers, he told BBC Radio Cumbria: "Well I don't know. I'm not really the person to ask whether this is true or not.

"I mean I try to have good relations with all of the people we work with in the department, including the trade unions and, of course, the employers too," he said.

"But, anything to do with my position is a matter for the prime minister and the prime minister alone - and I respect his judgemnets in all of these matters."

'Energy coast'

The newspaper alleges that some union chiefs "can't sit in the same room as Hutton".

The Cabinet minister is seen as a key ally to British business, which is against more regulation and employment rights and wants more privatisation of public sector work to private industry.

Mr Hutton is in Cumbria to launch a £2bn regeneration of the area, which will create 16,000 jobs.

The aim is to turn the area into an "energy coast" and boost its economy with a new reactor at Sellafield as well as a nuclear training centre.