Fire crew rescues bird in a flap

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A fire crew has rescued a bird stuck up a tree in Northampton.

Unable to fly away from its home, the wild crow was tangled in branches 10m (33ft) above a street on Tuesday.

Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service stepped in to save the dehydrated bird after receiving a distressed call from a passer-by.

The bird, named Clinton after the road were he was found, is now recovering at the Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital, in Buckinghamshire.

Crew manager Shaun O'Neill, of the fire service, said: "We are a humanitarian service - if members of the public are distressed by what they are seeing, if we can help we will do so.

"To leave it up a tree would have been irresponsible of us, and it was a useful training exercise with the platform."