Children 'carrying replica guns'

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People carrying replica firearms and airguns are becoming younger and younger, Strathclyde Police has warned.

The force said that of 1,529 reported firearms incidents between January and June 2008, 85% of guns recovered were airguns, BB guns or replicas.

Officers said that the weapons were mainly being carried by young men in their teens.

But there were also reports of children with guns in their schoolbags and of young girls carrying weapons.

Since January 2008, 107 airguns, BB guns and replica firearms were seized by Strathclyde Police Armed Response Vehicle officers and more than 100 by officers on routine patrol.

This is incredibly alarming and action has to be taken Assistant Chief Constable Jim GreenStrathclyde Police Assistant Chief Constable Jim Green said the force was dealing with young men carrying or brandishing airguns, BB guns and replica firearms "day in, day out".

He said: "Unfortunately, we have seen in Strathclyde that airguns can kill.

"What worries me most is the age of people carrying these weapons.

"Although mainly young males in their teens, it would appear those involved are getting increasingly younger with reports of schoolchildren carrying weapons in their school bags. Disturbingly, figures also show that young girls are now involved too.

"This is incredibly alarming and action has to be taken. It is not just up to the police, parents need to know what their child is up to, who they are with and what they are doing."

The force acknowledged that the vast majority of people buying imitation firearms and air weapons were doing so for recreational use, but said they were also used for a wide range of criminal purposes.

Mr Green added: "Can you imagine what it would be like for a police officer to be involved in a shooting and find out that the weapon was an imitation firearm in the hands of a young person?"

Ahead of a visit to Strathclyde Police firearms training department, Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill said: "I am determined to continue pressing for stronger firearms legislation, including on air weapons, to help protect communities across Scotland."