Gay bishop will preach in London

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The world's first openly gay bishop, whose ordination caused a split in the Anglican church, is to preach to a congregation in London.

The UK visit by Gene Robinson, the Bishop of New Hampshire, comes as members of the Anglican communion gather for the Lambeth Conference.

Bishop Robinson has been excluded from the event, held every 10 years, but will be in Canterbury at the same time.

He is due to speak at St Mary's Church in Putney, west London on Sunday.

Anglican conservatives set up a splinter movement earlier this month, in rejection of the acceptance of gay bishops.

Members of the Global Anglican Future Conference movement established the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans.

Last week the General Synod, the Church of England's ruling body, voted in favour of legislation aimed at introducing women bishops, a move which generated acrimony.

Bishop Robinson publicly announced his sexuality in the 1980s and has since been in a 20-year relationship with his current partner.

On Sunday Bishop Robinson will attend a film on how the Bible can be used by families to combat homophobia.

He is also to hold a question and answer session with actor, and gay rights campaigner, Sir Ian McKellen.