Poll finds AMs back more powers


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There is substantial cross-party support amongst AMs for Wales to be granted the same powers as the Scottish Parliament, a poll reveals.

Around 80% of AMs, surveyed by Ipsos MORI and revealed to BBC Wales, backed law-making and tax-varying powers to be transferred to Cardiff.

Every Plaid and Liberal Democrat member surveyed supported Scottish-style powers in Wales.

While 75% of Labour AMs and two thirds of Conservatives backed extra powers.

The survey was conducted late last autumn but the results have only just been released exclusively to BBC Wales' Dragon's Eye programme.

A representative sample of 36 AMs - more than half of the Senedd chamber - were interviewed face-to-face on a range of issues.

Politicians were asked who they considered to be the most impressive AM.

A simple enough question, but one which stumped over half of the members asked.


Roughly 60% of those asked could not think of one colleague who stands out.

But for those who managed an answer, Edwina Hart was the most mentioned, with 17% naming her.

It is encouraging news for the health minister a year or so before Labour look to replace First Minister Rhodri Morgan - if she chooses to stand of course.

The poll also asked AMs how they thought the Welsh economy would fare over the next 12 months.

Two thirds of the Labour AMs who answered predicted an improvement.

Predictably as the main opposition perhaps - only the Conservatives thought the economy would get worse in 2008.

Plaid Cymru and the Lib Dems were split on the issue.

Nine out of 10 AMs read the Western Mail every day, while only around a quarter read the Daily Post.

The company behind the poll, Ipsos MORI is planning another survey this autumn - which might help us understand our politicians a little better.