As the search for Joseph Kony ends, we chart his reign of suffering in Uganda

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The US and Uganda called off their six-year hunt for warlord Joseph Kony, triggering concerns that the splintered Lord’s Resistance Army could regroup, plunging communities into renewed violence. Hannah Summers charted the course of the fugitive’s rise in a gallery of images, The fruitless quest for Kony, revealing the terror and suffering he and his army wreaked in Uganda and beyond.


Mexico’s lost generation of young girls robbed of innocence and education

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In depth

‘I am a criminal. What is my crime?’: the human toll of abortion in Afghanistan

Campaigners refuse to throw in the towel over India’s ‘tax on blood’

Radio Monsoon aims to ensure safety reigns among fishermen in south India

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Kevin Watkins: Why should Somalia’s children starve to pay for a debt crisis they didn’t create?

Members of the Pariri Indigenous Association and Ipereğ Ayũ Movement: A government of death is plundering our ancient Munduruku lands. Help us stop it

Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick: Cruelty or keeping it in the family? What I learned from India’s slaveholders


How do you solve half a century of bloodshed in Colombia? – podcast

What you said

On Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick’s piece about India’s slaveholders, Paul Baker wrote:

The caste system and the class system are joined at the hip. People accustomed to privilege never want change or human rights for all because they have something to lose.

Top tweet

New digital campaign #lahukalagaan in India goes viral to stop taxing on female hygiene products #mensuration

Highlight from the blogosphere

For Humanosphere, Lisa Nikolau reports on a census in Mexico’s southern state of Veracruz, which has revealed that 80% of people within its indigenous community live in extreme poverty, a rate that continues to rise.

And finally

Poverty matters will return in two weeks with another roundup of the latest news and comment. In the meantime, keep up to date on the Global development website. On Twitter, follow @gdndevelopment and the team – @tracymcveigh, @LizFordGuardian and @karenmcveigh1 – and join Global development on Facebook.