Syria strike was ‘tough decision, because you can kill wrong people too’ - Trump

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US President Donald Trump has owned up that his executive order to carry out a missile strike on Syria’s Shayrat Airbase last month was actually a “tough decision” to make because “you're killing people, and you can kill the wrong people, too.”

During much of the interview with CBS’s ‘Face the Nation’ host John Dickerson, Trump spoke about the changes he has made to the Oval Office during the 100 first days of his presidency.

“I feel very warm toward the Oval Office…This is a special place. The White House is special. The Oval Office, very special…”

“But most importantly, you know, the decisions. Like, when I make the decision to go with Syria, the 59 Tomahawk missiles. Unbelievable technology. We have unbelievable talent. But those are tough decisions. Those aren't, like, decisions that I'm going to buy a building—“

“Tough why?” Dickerson interrupted.

“Because it's human lives,” Trump replied. “You're killing people. And you can kill the wrong people, too,” he added.

“You know, those things go off and they end up in a town or they end up in a city. And you have another tragedy on your hands. So, these decisions are unbelievable – you know, in terms of the importance because it's human – it's…it's…it's killing. I hate it. But things have to be done,” Trump said. 

On April 7, the US fired 59 cruise missiles at the Syrian airbase. The strike was ordered by Trump in response to an alleged chemical attack in the town of Khan Shaykhun that occurred on April 4.

The Syrian Army slammed Washington’s attack as “blatant aggression,” claiming that it makes the US a partner of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and other terrorist organizations. 

READ MORE: Women & children among casualties of US missile strike – Homs governor

Syrian officials have confirmed that at least six people were killed and several others wounded in the operation. According to the governor of Homs, the US strike killed 14 people, including nine civilians. 

Referring to an order to hit Syria, Belgium’s top diplomat, Foreign Minister Didier Reynders, called on Trump to make sure his next foreign policy decisions are made within the United Nations’ framework.

“His decision was taken outside the international framework. [Decisions] must go through the United Nations,” Reynders told Bel RTL radio last month.