Helping Children Cope With a Parent’s Death

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To the Editor:

Re “How to Build Resilient Kids, Even After a Loss,” by Sheryl Sandberg (Op-Ed, April 24):

When I was a teenager 44 years ago my father died, turning my world upside down and creating a void that lingers to this day. As a society, we were on the cusp of embracing professional psychological support, but far from it in my caring yet overly private family.

As a result I went it mostly alone, bumbling along. What is interesting, though, is that some of my haphazard strategies now emerge as professional advice. I collected photos and the bits of film available, my dad’s favorite books and letters he had written. Mostly, though, I wrote a lot. I described his life history, examples of his integrity and kindness, his reactions to world events, his corny jokes. I asked my mother for stories, and to her credit she shared a wealth of information.

In those ways I gradually healed enough to push forward and, without realizing it at the time, preserved some of my dad’s personality and insights to share with my children many years later.


To the Editor:

As a psychiatrist and a father, I was greatly moved by Sheryl Sandberg’s Op-Ed article about her family’s journey after her husband’s death. By sharing her experience, Ms. Sandberg offers help and hope to others raising children after the loss of a parent, or other traumas.

But parents cannot raise resilient children by themselves. Schools must support parents and teachers in their efforts by providing education and training and raising awareness.

There is much evidence-based research showing the importance that resilience plays in adult success. But as Ms. Sandberg correctly points out, it is a trait that must be learned and fostered. We need to support additional research on how we can help children become resilient.


The writer is president and chief executive of the Brain &Behavior Research Foundation.

To the Editor:

Sheryl Sandberg and I are members of a group that no one wants to join — the young widows club. I was 37 when my husband, Brett, died of brain cancer at 39, leaving me and our 2½-year-old twins behind. My children have no lasting memories of their father, but like Ms. Sandberg’s children, they find comfort in stories and rituals.

They also visualized him in a safe, protective place — the sky. While trying to make sense of their dad’s absence, my son, when asked where the sky was, said it was everywhere. I knew then that he felt his dad’s presence and love all around him.

I wouldn’t wish this loss on anyone, though my twins, now teenagers, have ample amounts of empathy, compassion and resilience. As Ms. Sandberg might say, just like their dad.


The writer is the author of a picture book for grieving children, “Because the Sky Is Everywhere.”

To the Editor:

Recognizing the devastation of parental loss on children, the nonprofit Circle Camps for Grieving Children provides a free week of overnight camp to young girls who have experienced the death of a parent. This summer, Circle Camps will host more than 300 grieving girls at our programs in Maine, New Hampshire and West Virginia.

Campers live in bunks with trained volunteer counselors and participate in traditional camp activities and age-appropriate grief activities. Under the guidance of licensed professionals, the Circle week offers structured opportunities for campers to share and rework their stories of loss. Equally important to the Circle program are the spontaneous conversations — in the bunks, on walks down to the lake, during rest hour — that help campers feel supported and connected to one another.


The writer is founder and executive director of Circle Camps.