First phone birth for 999 woman

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The parents of a baby girl have thanked a teenage ambulance controller who talked them through her home delivery.

Officials have released a tape of the drama as Chloe Mansel, 19, gave instructions to Stuart Steele when his partner Emma Barter went into labour.

The arrival of 6lb (2.7kg) Holly was the first birth she had dealt with on her own in six months in the job.

The tape ends with Mr Steele, 43, crying tears of joy as Holly is born at their home in Meidrim, near Carmarthen.

Ms Mansel said: "It was quite exciting. It was the first live birth I've done from start to finish.

"I've got close a couple of times but the midwife or the ambulance crew have arrived in time to take over but this time I was on my own.

"It was quite funny because it was on speakerphone and everyone in the control room could hear me and were turning round."

I'm so glad to have been able to thank her in person - I can't believe she's only 19 Holly's mum, Emma Barton

Mr Steele, a railwayman, said: "We were actually by the car to go to the hospital when Emma's waters broke - it happened ever so fast.

"A neighbour helped me get her inside and onto the floor of the front room and we rang the midwife who had just left and she told us to call the ambulance.

"I had it on speakerphone so I had my hands free and Chloe just talked me through it, easing the baby out and then I put my finger in the baby's mouth to make sure her airway was clear.

'Absolutely impressed'

"We didn't want to leave everything to the last minute - but in the end we did. But Chloe was brilliant, very assured because I didn't think I was that calm. I was a bit stressed.

"I broke down in tears afterwards. It was very emotional, terrifying really."

The midwife arrived soon after the birth.

Ms Barton, 36, for whom Holly was her third child, said: "I was absolutely impressed by Stuart, he was fabulous but Chloe was brilliant the way she talked him through it.

"I'm so glad to have been able to thank her in person. I can't believe she's only 19."

Central and West region utilisation manager Mark Winter said: "Chloe did a very good job, she's been excellent, and it's nice for the staff in control to get some credit.

"We're delighted for the parents that they've got a healthy little girl and it just goes to prove that the service we give to the public starts when they ring 999 and not just when the ambulance arrives."