Time capsule plan for G8 'relics'


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Dozens of documents and photographs relating to the G8 summit of world leaders in Japan are to be buried in a time capsule for 100 years.

The hotel hosting the summit plans on sealing the papers inside a central monument commemorating the meeting.

A hotel spokeswoman said it would act as a message for future generations to take care of the Earth.

World leaders ended their summit saying they shared a vision of action on climate change.

However, the meeting failed to bridge differences between rich and emerging nations on curbing emissions.

'Behind the scenes'

The monument in the grounds of the Windsor Hotel Toya in Toyako represents drift ice, a symbol of global warming.

The papers to be sealed inside include a list of all hotel staff participating in the summit, along with those of police and foreign ministry officials working behind the scenes.

Newspaper clippings and behind-the-scenes photographs of preparations will also be included.

The monument is at the heart of a 150m yen ($1.4m, £700,000) park marking the summit which is set to open in August.

The hotel plans to open the capsule in 2108 in a ceremony to coincide with a traditional Japanese star festival.