Purvis out of Lib Dem leader race


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Borders MSP Jeremy Purvis has ruled out a bid to become the next leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats.

He had been considered a contender following Nicol Stephen's resignation from the post last week.

However, he said, following the announcement that Ross Finnie and Tavish Scott would both be standing, he felt the time was "not right".

Mr Purvis said he had been flattered to be mentioned but looked forward to a "genuine and serious" leadership race.

"With both Ross and Tavish standing we have the prospect of a highly competent and outstanding leader emerging from the contest," said the Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale MSP. I have been very flattered that my name was immediately associated as a possibility for the leadership Jeremy Purvis MSP

"I have been very flattered that my name was immediately associated as a possibility for the leadership and also by the many people who have encouraged me to put my name forward over the last few days.

"But the time is not right."

He said he had been appreciative of the confidence shown in him by people both inside and outside the party who had suggested he should stand.

"With the contest between Ross and Tavish, however, my views on the future of the party will be properly reflected and the membership have a difficult but necessary choice to choose the leader best equipped to take us forward," he said.

"I am convinced more than ever the party needs relevant liberal policies on education, health and crime that resonate in every household in Scotland so that we are trusted with local services.

"We also need to be a relentless campaigning party that inspires people who would not have previously thought about supporting us to give us their confidence."

West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine MSP Mike Rumbles, who stood in the last Scottish Lib Dem leadership contest, was the first to throw his hat in the ring, announcing his candidacy last week.

The result of the leadership ballot is to be revealed on 26 August.