Nativity play parents must pay £2

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A Devon primary school is charging parents a £2 entry fee to the nativity play as a contribution towards costs.

Holy Cross Primary, in Beaumont Road, Plymouth, says the charge will go towards paying the £1,000 costs of the annual festive performance.

Head teacher Paul Cotter said there had been no complaints from parents and the move was "common practice" for schools.

All 201 children at the Roman Catholic school for five to 11 year olds are due to take part in the play.

Schools are always conscious of their budgets Paul Cotter Mr Cotter said: "It costs the school £1,000 for staging, lights, performance rights and staff cover.

"Schools are always conscious of their budgets and I have asked parents to contribute only to covering the costs of putting on the performance.

"No-one has complained to the school at all."

He added: "We wanted to tell the Christmas story and hope that our children and parents will enjoy it.

"I am surprised at the attention that this has received as I understand that this is common practice for many, many schools up and down the country.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Plymouth declined to comment.