A unity government for Zimbabwe?
http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/talking_point/7485842.stm Version 0 of 1. Zimbabwe's opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has rejected forming a unity government if he is not recognised as the winner of presidential elections. African leaders called for a unity government days after incumbent Robert Mugabe, the ruling Zanu-PF candidate, won a run-off boycotted by the opposition. BBC News website readers in Zimbabwe give their views about a government of national unity. <hr> Remember the unity government between Robert Mugabe and [the late Zapu party leader] Joshua Nkomo was a death warrant for freedom and democracy. Zanu-PF has no intention of unity - they only want one president - Mugabe. They are experts at delaying and playing for time. If ever there was a sort of unity government the MDC representatives would be manipulated puppets and there would be a lot of "fatal accidents" to the MDC representatives, who would be replaced by Zanu-PF, so that a parliamentary majority could be obtained - thus no dissenters or opposition.<i>Al, Harare</i> I think as things are now a government of national unity is the only solution to the Zimbabwean crisis. Our leaders are not considering ordinary people. Their only interest is in power. They should work together for the betterment of our beloved country.<i>Manasa, Gweru</i> What they are doing and saying is all very well, but they should understand the internal politics in Zimbabwe. What they need is a delegation to come to Zimbabwe to analyse the electoral process - i.e. to find out the number of people who were assisted as illiterate on the day in question. That number is unbelievable: 75% of the voters were assisted and one can only ask why. Many people were beaten and on the day they were to be assisted by a Zanu PF "cadre" who lives in that ward, so they made sure you voted for Mugabe. The few who were not assisted willingly spoiled their papers. People voted only because they wanted this thing to be over.<i>William, Chipinge</i> I think Zimbabwe got its strongest support from the USA, European Union and the United Nations. I believe Africa's failing to condemn Mugabe outright has been a serious blow. What is happening in Zimbabwe sets a dangerous precedent and whoever takes over from Mugabe would employ the same means to get power as long as the military is there to protect those in Zanu-PF. Africa must be united in giving the Zimbabwean election the condemnation it deserves. A government of national unity will not work here since the parties involved are sworn enemies. Zanu-PF is vowing to crush the MDC. Now that Africa is behind Mugabe, it further complicates the whole issue. What Zimbabwe needs now is a transitional arrangement that would lead to an election.<i>Joseph, Harare</i> A unity government should be led by Morgan Tsvangirai. Why is Mugabe now eager to form a government of national unity? The African Union and the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) is full of people who want to safeguard their interests like Mugabe. So with the exception of Botswana, Zambia and [Kenya Prime Minister] Raila Odinga in his personal capacity, African leaders cannot condemn him. More pressure should be put on the AU and Sadc. Mugabe should negotiate for a free and safe exit from politics, if that is what is worrying him. The people spoke on 29 March and our opinion should be respected.<i>Charles, Gweru</i> Mugabe should accept defeat, because we have heard enough. We thank the leaders for not supporting him on the issue of the elections. He must go.<i>Benj, Victoria Falls</i> This is something people have to think about. Remember it was once done to Zapu. Mugabe is good at cheating, so I think MDC must not fall into the same trap. Only a government of national healing can make us happy. <i>Brighton, Harare </i> A unity government is okay as long as it is done only by Zimbabweans. The international reaction depends on their interests. Otherwise they always take sides.<i>Bernard, Mutare</i> <i>The views of these Zimbabweans may not be representative of wider public opinion.</i> <hr> Do you think a government of national unity will solve the crisis in Zimbabwe? Send us your thoughts by using the form below: <a name="say"></a><form method="post" action="http://www.bbc.co.uk/cgi-bin/cgiemail/newstalk/form_all.txt"> <input name="email_subject" type="hidden" value="Zim 1/7/08 7482438"> <input name="mailto" type="hidden" value="talkingpoint@bbc.co.uk"> <input name="success" type="hidden" value="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/have_your_say/html/have_your_say_thanks.stm"> Name |