Russian spy saga intrigues papers

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With many of the papers going to press before the death of Russian ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko, the Times claims an exclusive interview with him.

Just hours before losing consciousness, he told the paper: "They got me, but they won't get everybody."

The Daily Telegraph talks to former KGB bodyguard Andrei Lugovoi who claims he was the victim of a plot to frame him.

Mr Lugovoi admits that he did have tea with Mr Litvinenko on the day he fell ill but the pair had nothing to eat.

'Dark ages'

The use of mixed-sex wards in hospitals is called a "disgrace" by the Telegraph and a "scandal" by the Independent.

The latter peppers its front page with quotes from patients, such as "It was like being in the dark ages".

It says Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt is under mounting pressure over the continued use of the wards.

The Telegraph in its editorial says Ms Hewitt has failed to offer any realistic prospect that the situation will come to an end soon.

Drinking laws

It is a year to the day since all-day licensing laws were introduced for pubs and clubs in England and Wales.

The Daily Mail and Daily Express both take a tilt at the government's claims that the legislation would not lead to an increase in anti-social behaviour.

The Express reports that ambulance crews are dealing with a growing number of alcohol-related injuries.

The Mail says claims that only a small number of outlets would take advantage of the new laws has been destroyed.

Bus drivers

The Daily Mail reports of a genuine busman's holiday in a new bid to recruit workers from eastern Europe.

The paper says a transport company has sent a red double-decker bus to Poland as part of its plan to hire drivers.

First Group is also despatching DVDs to help recruits understand different dialects from around the country.

The DVDs feature Coronation Street for those heading to Manchester, Billy Connolly for Glasgow and Only Fools and Horses for London.