Fearing for Miss Liberty


Version 0 of 1.

To the Editor:

I am writing in support of a woman I know about. She is an immigrant, and she is from a country in which there has been much terrorism recently. I am worried that she may be sent back. Perhaps she is “undocumented.” I don’t know what that term means.

She has no documents saying she belongs here, and she has no relatives living in the United States. She is dressed strangely, wearing only a robe. She lives in New York City, where there have been raids looking for undocumented immigrants. She probably has no criminal record.

But if the authorities want to charge her with something, they probably can. She constantly stands in one location, so she could possibly be charged with vagrancy. Her only possessions seem to be a torch and a tablet. Her name is Liberty. I fear for the future of Liberty.


Mount Prospect, Ill.