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Trump Supporters Applaud Immigration Order as a ‘Welcome Change’ Trump Supporters Applaud Immigration Order as a ‘Welcome Change’
(about 3 hours later)
While President Trump’s order banning immigration from several Muslim countries led to protests at several American airports, the news was often met with satisfaction and approval in those precincts that Mr. Trump carried in the November election.While President Trump’s order banning immigration from several Muslim countries led to protests at several American airports, the news was often met with satisfaction and approval in those precincts that Mr. Trump carried in the November election.
The protests, when they were addressed by the president’s supporters, were viewed as misguided and a source of irritation. And the protests themselves were viewed with irritation by some, including conservatives who were otherwise critical of Mr. Trump’s order. “People at airports are on tight schedules and are henpecked enough as it is,” Jay Cost, a senior writer for the Weekly Standard, said on Twitter. ”It is uncivil and rude.”
“People at airports are on tight schedules and are henpecked enough as it is,” Jay Cost, a senior writer for the conservative Weekly Standard, said on Twitter. ”It is uncivil and rude.” Dan McLaughlin, a securities lawyer in New York, in an article for National Review, wrote that the anger over the new policy was “seriously misplaced,” and he argued that the policy was far less radical than critics had made it seem.
Dan McLaughlin, a securities lawyer in Los Angeles, in an article for National Review, wrote that the anger over the new policy was “seriously misplaced,” and he argued that the policy was far less radical than critics had made it seem.
“His policy may be terrible public relations for the United States,” Mr. McLaughlin wrote. “But it is fairly narrow and well within the recent tradition of immigration actions taken by the Obama administration.”“His policy may be terrible public relations for the United States,” Mr. McLaughlin wrote. “But it is fairly narrow and well within the recent tradition of immigration actions taken by the Obama administration.”
Others said that the policy, which went into effect on Friday night, had already been effective. Mark Kern, a video game designer turned conservative political pundit who has supported video surveillance of mosques, voiced his approval. He said that Mr. Trump’s decisive action was a welcome change.Others said that the policy, which went into effect on Friday night, had already been effective. Mark Kern, a video game designer turned conservative political pundit who has supported video surveillance of mosques, voiced his approval. He said that Mr. Trump’s decisive action was a welcome change.
“If we sit and debate and prevaricate, remember Europe did this too, and now wishes it hadn’t,” he wrote in one Tweet. He added later, “Luckily we now have a POTUS who does not waver or hesitate to do what is needed. And despite hysteria to the contrary, lawfully.”“If we sit and debate and prevaricate, remember Europe did this too, and now wishes it hadn’t,” he wrote in one Tweet. He added later, “Luckily we now have a POTUS who does not waver or hesitate to do what is needed. And despite hysteria to the contrary, lawfully.”
The conservative pundit Tomi Lahren, who supports Mr. Trump, wrote in an email that, “It’s not intolerant or unloving to put Americans and American safety first. Every nation has the right to protect its people first.”The conservative pundit Tomi Lahren, who supports Mr. Trump, wrote in an email that, “It’s not intolerant or unloving to put Americans and American safety first. Every nation has the right to protect its people first.”
“Somehow the left doesn’t seem to understand or agree with that right,” she said.“Somehow the left doesn’t seem to understand or agree with that right,” she said.
The response on the right was far from monolithic. The Koch brothers condemned the order as the “wrong approach”, and so did writers at their libertarian think-tank, the Cato Institute. John Podhoretz, the conservative commentator, reaffirmed that he thought Islamic terrorism posed a threat, but he wrote that the policy was not “based in fact.”The response on the right was far from monolithic. The Koch brothers condemned the order as the “wrong approach”, and so did writers at their libertarian think-tank, the Cato Institute. John Podhoretz, the conservative commentator, reaffirmed that he thought Islamic terrorism posed a threat, but he wrote that the policy was not “based in fact.”
In fact, Mr. Podhoretz wrote, the order resembled what he characterized as a liberal solution to major problems — a grand, gesture that the president was using to rally his base.In fact, Mr. Podhoretz wrote, the order resembled what he characterized as a liberal solution to major problems — a grand, gesture that the president was using to rally his base.
“They are making horrible policy for naked political advantage based in disingenuousness,” he concluded. “And that’s no way to run a country.”“They are making horrible policy for naked political advantage based in disingenuousness,” he concluded. “And that’s no way to run a country.”
A Quinnipiac poll taken in mid-January, before Mr. Trump issued the order, found that 48 percent of Americans were in favor of “suspending immigration from terror prone regions, even if it means turning away refugees.” Mr. Trump’s order immediately closed the nation to refugees and to people from some predominantly Muslim countries including Iraq, Syria and Iran.A Quinnipiac poll taken in mid-January, before Mr. Trump issued the order, found that 48 percent of Americans were in favor of “suspending immigration from terror prone regions, even if it means turning away refugees.” Mr. Trump’s order immediately closed the nation to refugees and to people from some predominantly Muslim countries including Iraq, Syria and Iran.
In the same poll, 53 percent or respondents were in favor of requiring Muslim immigrants to register with the federal government.In the same poll, 53 percent or respondents were in favor of requiring Muslim immigrants to register with the federal government.
A member of Mr. Trump’s transition team, Kris Kobach, had suggested before the new president took office that a national registry for immigrants from countries plagued by terrorism might be reinstated. A spokesman for Mr. Trump at the time, Jason Miller, later clarified that the registry would not track individuals based on their religion.A member of Mr. Trump’s transition team, Kris Kobach, had suggested before the new president took office that a national registry for immigrants from countries plagued by terrorism might be reinstated. A spokesman for Mr. Trump at the time, Jason Miller, later clarified that the registry would not track individuals based on their religion.
Reuters reported that while protests filled airports where travelers were being held, many other people around the country were nonchalant about the order and puzzled by the protests.Reuters reported that while protests filled airports where travelers were being held, many other people around the country were nonchalant about the order and puzzled by the protests.
Louise Ingram, 69, of Troy, Ala., told Reuters that while she was not opposed to immigrants, “I just want to make sure they are safe to come in.”Louise Ingram, 69, of Troy, Ala., told Reuters that while she was not opposed to immigrants, “I just want to make sure they are safe to come in.”
“A country is not a country if it doesn’t have borders,” said Steve Hirsch, 63, who was at Dulles International Airport in Virginia, where hundreds of people were protesting, to pick someone up this weekend.“A country is not a country if it doesn’t have borders,” said Steve Hirsch, 63, who was at Dulles International Airport in Virginia, where hundreds of people were protesting, to pick someone up this weekend.
On Mr. Trump’s official Facebook page, his supporters thanked him for the action. One user, Jason Juno Lee, who identifies himself as a Marine, posted a comment comparing the United States after the order to a safely locked house.On Mr. Trump’s official Facebook page, his supporters thanked him for the action. One user, Jason Juno Lee, who identifies himself as a Marine, posted a comment comparing the United States after the order to a safely locked house.
“I lock my doors every night,” he wrote. “I don’t lock them because I ‘hate’ the people outside. I lock them because I love the people inside!”“I lock my doors every night,” he wrote. “I don’t lock them because I ‘hate’ the people outside. I lock them because I love the people inside!”
Another user named Wes Schmaltz was more concise: “Thank you President Trump for doing exactly what you were elected to do.”Another user named Wes Schmaltz was more concise: “Thank you President Trump for doing exactly what you were elected to do.”