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Donald Trump rounds on Democrats as refugee agency warns on travel ban – live Donald Trump rounds on Democrats as UN refugee agency warns on travel ban – live
(35 minutes later)
2.43pm GMT
Here’s a roundup of the latest developments:
Donald Trump shows no sign of backing down in the row over his decision to impose a travel ban on seven Muslim majority countries. In his latest tweets he mocked Democratic party opposition to the ban, and urged Congress to approve more of his cabinet nominations.
On Monday night Trump fired Sally Yates, the acting attorney general after she advised justice department lawyers not to defend a travel ban she considered to be “not lawful”. In an extraordinary statement announcing her dismissal, the White House said Yates had “betrayed the department of justice”.
Yates was immediately replaced by Dana Boente, whose first act was to undo her last act. Chuck Schumer, the Democratic minority leader in the Senate, said news of Yates’ sacking was “chilling”.
European Union President Donald Tusk has warned European leaders about Trump’s “worrying declarations”. In a letter to EU leaders Tusk included the new man in the White House as one of the threats to the geopolitical outlook.
Lord Ricketts, the former Foreign Office permanent secretary, has called for a delay of up to three years on Trump’s planned state visit to the UK, to save the Queen embarrassment. He said: “If you did it two or three years into the Trump presidency the controversial early policy announcements would have been out of the way.”
The UN’s refugee agency says 800 refugees will be denied entry to USA this week and 20,000 people will be left in precarious circumstances by the ban. UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said he is “deeply worried by the uncertainty facing thousands of refugees” because of the ban.
Thousands of people gathered across the UK to protest against Trump’s travel ban and his planned UK state visit. About 10,000 people were thought to have marched on Downing Street in London.
MPs unanimously passed a motion condemning the “discriminatory, divisive and counterproductive” travel ban. Theemergency debate was called by former Labour leader Ed Miliband and Conservative MP Nadhim Zahawi, who was born in Baghdad and risked being banned from the US.
Former president Barack Obama has spoken out against Trump’s travel ban. Obama’s spokesman, Kevin Lewis, said: “Citizens exercising their constitutional right to assemble, organise and have their voices heard by their elected officials is exactly what we expect to see when American values are at stake.”
2.31pm GMT
Jennifer Rankin
Jennifer Rankin in Brussels has more on Tusk’s concerns about Trump.
One of the EU’s top leaders has criticised Donald Trump for his “worrying declarations” and said the new administration in Washington is contributing to the dangers facing Europe.
Donald Tusk, the head of the European council, said the “worrying declarations by the new American administration... make our future highly unpredictable”.
In a letter to EU leaders [pdf], he included the new man in the White House with a threatening geopolitical outlook that also includes an “assertive China”, “aggressive Russia”, radical Islam and “wars, terror and anarchy in the Middle East and Africa”.
The former Polish president said Europe had never faced such threats since six countries embarked on the integration project sixty years ago, by signing a declaration in the Italian capital. “The challenges currently facing the European Union are more dangerous than ever before in the time since the signature of the Treaty of Rome.”
As well as a new and unpredictable world order, Tusk listed two other challenges: a rise in anti-EU sentiment and the “state of mind of the pro-European elites”. In a striking passage he blamed elites for “a decline of faith in political integration, submission to populist arguments as well as doubt in the fundamental values of liberal democracy”.
Tusk was writing to 27 EU leaders - excluding Britain’s Theresa May - ahead of a summit in Valletta on Friday to debate the future, as the EU prepares to mark the 60th anniversary of its founding in Rome at the end of March. The British prime minister will be in the Maltese capital to take part in discussions on the migration crisis on Friday, but is not invited to a second session on the future of the EU.
Tusk urged the EU to show it was united at the Rome anniversary summit, which falls just days before the deadline May has imposed on herself for triggering Britain’s EU exit process.
The letter from Tusk appeared to be a response to Trump rather than Brexit, but arguably he had a message for both US critics of EU integration and Brexiters dreaming of taking back control. “It must be made crystal clear that the disintegration of the European Union will not lead to the restoration of some mythical, full sovereignty of its member states, but to their real and factual dependence on the great superpowers: the United States, Russia and China,” he wrote. “Only together can we be fully independent”.
2.25pm GMT
Former MEP Glenys Kinnock has just tweeted a Trump demo selfie featuring her husband Neil, the former Labour leader, and the actor Michael Kashman.
Great to see @mcashmanCBE with Glenys and Neil Kinnock protesting tonight at Downing Street #muslimbanprotest #standuptotrump
2.16pm GMT2.16pm GMT
Prince Charles has made another veiled pop at Trump.Prince Charles has made another veiled pop at Trump.
2.06pm GMT2.06pm GMT
Security officials out of the loop on travel banSecurity officials out of the loop on travel ban
Yates’s defiance over the travel ban has highlighted Trump’s tenuous relationship with his own national security advisers, officials have told the AP.Yates’s defiance over the travel ban has highlighted Trump’s tenuous relationship with his own national security advisers, officials have told the AP.
At least three top national security officials — Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and Rex Tillerson, who is awaiting confirmation to lead the State Department — have told associates they were not aware of details of the directive until around the time Trump signed it. Leading intelligence officials were also left largely in the dark, according to US officials.At least three top national security officials — Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and Rex Tillerson, who is awaiting confirmation to lead the State Department — have told associates they were not aware of details of the directive until around the time Trump signed it. Leading intelligence officials were also left largely in the dark, according to US officials.
Mattis, who stood next to Trump during Friday’s signing ceremony, is said to be particularly incensed. A senior US official said Mattis, along with Joint Chiefs Chairman Joseph Dunford, was aware of the general concept of Trump’s order but not the details. Tillerson has told the president’s political advisers that he was baffled over not being consulted on the substance of the order.Mattis, who stood next to Trump during Friday’s signing ceremony, is said to be particularly incensed. A senior US official said Mattis, along with Joint Chiefs Chairman Joseph Dunford, was aware of the general concept of Trump’s order but not the details. Tillerson has told the president’s political advisers that he was baffled over not being consulted on the substance of the order.
US officials and others with knowledge of the Cabinet’s thinking insisted on anonymity in order to disclose the officials’ private views.US officials and others with knowledge of the Cabinet’s thinking insisted on anonymity in order to disclose the officials’ private views.
Despite his public defense of the policy, the president has privately acknowledged flaws in the rollout, according to a person with knowledge of his thinking.Despite his public defense of the policy, the president has privately acknowledged flaws in the rollout, according to a person with knowledge of his thinking.
Homeland Security, the agency tasked with implementing much of the refugee ban, clarified that customs and border agents should allow legal residents to enter the country. The Pentagon was trying to exempt Iraqis who worked alongside the U.S. and coalition forces from the 90-day ban on entry from the predominantly Muslim countries.Homeland Security, the agency tasked with implementing much of the refugee ban, clarified that customs and border agents should allow legal residents to enter the country. The Pentagon was trying to exempt Iraqis who worked alongside the U.S. and coalition forces from the 90-day ban on entry from the predominantly Muslim countries.
“There are a number of people in Iraq who have worked for us in a partnership role, whether fighting alongside us or working as translators, often doing so at great peril to themselves,” said Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman.“There are a number of people in Iraq who have worked for us in a partnership role, whether fighting alongside us or working as translators, often doing so at great peril to themselves,” said Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman.
at 2.09pm GMTat 2.09pm GMT
1.54pm GMT1.54pm GMT
Tusk warns of Trump’s ‘worrying declarations’Tusk warns of Trump’s ‘worrying declarations’
European Union President Donald Tusk has warned European leaders about Trump’s “worrying declarations.”European Union President Donald Tusk has warned European leaders about Trump’s “worrying declarations.”
In a letter to 27 EU leaders [pdf], Tusk mentioned the Trump administration as part of an external “threat” together with China, Russia, radical Islam, war and terror. The letter was not sent to Britain as it embarks on the process of leaving the EU.In a letter to 27 EU leaders [pdf], Tusk mentioned the Trump administration as part of an external “threat” together with China, Russia, radical Islam, war and terror. The letter was not sent to Britain as it embarks on the process of leaving the EU.
Tusk said those global challenges, “as well as worrying declarations by the new American administration, all make our future highly unpredictable.”Tusk said those global challenges, “as well as worrying declarations by the new American administration, all make our future highly unpredictable.”
He said that “particularly the change in Washington puts the European Union in a difficult situation; with the new administration seeming to put into question the last 70 years of American foreign policy.”He said that “particularly the change in Washington puts the European Union in a difficult situation; with the new administration seeming to put into question the last 70 years of American foreign policy.”
at 1.57pm GMTat 1.57pm GMT
1.29pm GMT1.29pm GMT
The row over Trump’s state visit highlights the irrelevance and impotence of the Queen, according to campaigners for an elected head of state.The row over Trump’s state visit highlights the irrelevance and impotence of the Queen, according to campaigners for an elected head of state.
Graham Smith, chief executive of Republic, said:Graham Smith, chief executive of Republic, said:
“The Queen should be embarrassed by the Trump visit - she is unable and unwilling to speak out against the Muslim ban. The state visit highlights just how impotent and irrelevant she is.”“The Queen should be embarrassed by the Trump visit - she is unable and unwilling to speak out against the Muslim ban. The state visit highlights just how impotent and irrelevant she is.”
“The Queen serves no practical purpose as head of state. She does as she’s told by the prime minister and stays silent at times of crisis.”“The Queen serves no practical purpose as head of state. She does as she’s told by the prime minister and stays silent at times of crisis.”
“Right now we could do with an elected, effective head of state who is independent from the PM. Someone who can represent and articulate the feelings of millions of British people.”“Right now we could do with an elected, effective head of state who is independent from the PM. Someone who can represent and articulate the feelings of millions of British people.”
“An effective head of state would condemn the Muslim ban, and refuse the government’s request for a state visit. Britain’s head of state simply does the bidding of the PM, no questions asked.”“An effective head of state would condemn the Muslim ban, and refuse the government’s request for a state visit. Britain’s head of state simply does the bidding of the PM, no questions asked.”
“People will say the Queen is required by the constitution to stay mute. But that’s exactly why we need a new constitution and a new head of state.”“People will say the Queen is required by the constitution to stay mute. But that’s exactly why we need a new constitution and a new head of state.”
1.24pm GMT1.24pm GMT
Theresa May’s hasty decision to invite Trump on a state visit was partly prompted by a desire to out manoeuvre Nigel Farage, writes Patrick Wintour.Theresa May’s hasty decision to invite Trump on a state visit was partly prompted by a desire to out manoeuvre Nigel Farage, writes Patrick Wintour.
The government had been blindsided by Trump’s victory, and Farage, the eternal thorn in the side of the Conservative leadership, was taunting the Foreign Office about his proximity to Trump and his chief strategist, Steve Bannon.The government had been blindsided by Trump’s victory, and Farage, the eternal thorn in the side of the Conservative leadership, was taunting the Foreign Office about his proximity to Trump and his chief strategist, Steve Bannon.
The photograph of Farage beaming in the gilded Trump Towers was a humiliation for British officials, as was his one-hour meeting with Trump, which made him the first British politician to meet the president-elect ...The photograph of Farage beaming in the gilded Trump Towers was a humiliation for British officials, as was his one-hour meeting with Trump, which made him the first British politician to meet the president-elect ...
A source who has discussed the invitation with a cabinet minister said: “The government has decided that their secret weapon to get in with Trump is to offer him an early visit to the Queen, him and [his wife] Melania staying at Windsor Castle.”A source who has discussed the invitation with a cabinet minister said: “The government has decided that their secret weapon to get in with Trump is to offer him an early visit to the Queen, him and [his wife] Melania staying at Windsor Castle.”
Another cabinet source said: “The Queen is the key here. She’s not a secret weapon, she’s the biggest public weapon you have. Nigel Faragecan’t get [Trump] in front of the Queen.”Another cabinet source said: “The Queen is the key here. She’s not a secret weapon, she’s the biggest public weapon you have. Nigel Faragecan’t get [Trump] in front of the Queen.”
The invitation looks like a mistaken act of over-compensation, an effort to make sure the UK, an early backmarker, reverted to its traditional position of primus inter pares, the Special One. Since it was leaving EU, the UK simply could not afford to lose traction in Washington, and with so much flux in Trump’s thinking, Downing Street decided to throw everything it had at its disposal to retain influence with the Republicans.The invitation looks like a mistaken act of over-compensation, an effort to make sure the UK, an early backmarker, reverted to its traditional position of primus inter pares, the Special One. Since it was leaving EU, the UK simply could not afford to lose traction in Washington, and with so much flux in Trump’s thinking, Downing Street decided to throw everything it had at its disposal to retain influence with the Republicans.
1.17pm GMT1.17pm GMT
Here’s a gallery of anti-Trump placards from last night’s demo:Here’s a gallery of anti-Trump placards from last night’s demo:
1.11pm GMT1.11pm GMT
at 1.33pm GMTat 1.33pm GMT
1.05pm GMT1.05pm GMT
The petition backing the planned state visit by Trump has just topped 100,000.The petition backing the planned state visit by Trump has just topped 100,000.
The anti visit petition has more than 1.66 million signatories.The anti visit petition has more than 1.66 million signatories.
12.46pm GMT12.46pm GMT
The planned state visit to Britain by Trump is months away and any programme has yet to be worked out, a Downing Street spokeswomman told Reuters. It quoted her saying:The planned state visit to Britain by Trump is months away and any programme has yet to be worked out, a Downing Street spokeswomman told Reuters. It quoted her saying:
“The prime minister set out very clearly last night ... (that) the invitation has been extended. She was happy to do that. She looks forward to hosting the president and that will be a state visit this year.”“The prime minister set out very clearly last night ... (that) the invitation has been extended. She was happy to do that. She looks forward to hosting the president and that will be a state visit this year.”
“On the programme for the state visit, that will all need to be worked out in due course ... It is months away.”“On the programme for the state visit, that will all need to be worked out in due course ... It is months away.”
No word on whether the visit will be delayed as suggested by Lord Ricketts, the former permanent secretary at the Foreign Office.No word on whether the visit will be delayed as suggested by Lord Ricketts, the former permanent secretary at the Foreign Office.
12.35pm GMT12.35pm GMT
Haroon SiddiqueHaroon Siddique
Donald Trump’s top trade adviser has accused Germany of using a “grossly undervalued” euro to exploit the US and its EU partners, the FT reports.Donald Trump’s top trade adviser has accused Germany of using a “grossly undervalued” euro to exploit the US and its EU partners, the FT reports.
Peter Navarro, the head of Trump’s new National Trade Council, also accused Germany of being a major hurdle to a trade deal between the US and Europe.Peter Navarro, the head of Trump’s new National Trade Council, also accused Germany of being a major hurdle to a trade deal between the US and Europe.
He is quoted as saying:He is quoted as saying:
A big obstacle to viewing TTIP [Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership] as a bilateral deal is Germany, which continues to exploit other countries in the EU as well as the US with an ‘implicit Deutsche Mark’ that is grossly undervalued.A big obstacle to viewing TTIP [Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership] as a bilateral deal is Germany, which continues to exploit other countries in the EU as well as the US with an ‘implicit Deutsche Mark’ that is grossly undervalued.
Before he entered office, Trump called Angela Merkel’s open door policy to refugees a “catastrophic mistake”, while Germany has expressed regret over the travel ban.Before he entered office, Trump called Angela Merkel’s open door policy to refugees a “catastrophic mistake”, while Germany has expressed regret over the travel ban.
12.24pm GMT12.24pm GMT
Henry McDonaldHenry McDonald
Irish prime minister Enda Kenny today has ordered a complete review of the US Homeland Security controlled “pre-clearance” at Ireland’s two main airports in response to growing opposition in the Republic to the Trump travel ban.Irish prime minister Enda Kenny today has ordered a complete review of the US Homeland Security controlled “pre-clearance” at Ireland’s two main airports in response to growing opposition in the Republic to the Trump travel ban.
Ireland is one of only six countries that allows American Homeland Security officials to vet travellers before they fly out to the United States.Ireland is one of only six countries that allows American Homeland Security officials to vet travellers before they fly out to the United States.
The taoiseach said:The taoiseach said:
In respect of the policy introduced by the American government I disagree with. I will obviously say that to the president and vice president when I meet with them...In respect of the policy introduced by the American government I disagree with. I will obviously say that to the president and vice president when I meet with them...
I have asked for a complete review now of the pre-clearance facilities here in Ireland in respect of the three departments dealing with this. So we can be absolutely clear about the importance of it.I have asked for a complete review now of the pre-clearance facilities here in Ireland in respect of the three departments dealing with this. So we can be absolutely clear about the importance of it.
Last night the Irish Department of Transport confirmed that one traveller was turned away at the gate to transatlantic flights in Dublin Airport.Last night the Irish Department of Transport confirmed that one traveller was turned away at the gate to transatlantic flights in Dublin Airport.
Kenny will face calls today in cabinet from independent deputies who serve in his coalition government to suspend Homeland Security’s right to screen transatlantic passengers at Dublin and Shannon Airport until the Trump ban is lifted.Kenny will face calls today in cabinet from independent deputies who serve in his coalition government to suspend Homeland Security’s right to screen transatlantic passengers at Dublin and Shannon Airport until the Trump ban is lifted.
The children’s minister, Katherine Zappone, has written to the taoiseach ahead of the cabinet meeting in Dublin later on Tuesday warning Kenny that the travel ban may be unlawful to operate at Irish airports.The children’s minister, Katherine Zappone, has written to the taoiseach ahead of the cabinet meeting in Dublin later on Tuesday warning Kenny that the travel ban may be unlawful to operate at Irish airports.
Zappone said that the US-Ireland pre-clearance agreement upholds the rights of people under Irish law. At present any traveller booked on a flight to the United States from Ireland is processed through US immigration in Dublin or Shannon before they board their flight or arrive in the United States.Zappone said that the US-Ireland pre-clearance agreement upholds the rights of people under Irish law. At present any traveller booked on a flight to the United States from Ireland is processed through US immigration in Dublin or Shannon before they board their flight or arrive in the United States.
at 12.52pm GMTat 12.52pm GMT
12.19pm GMT12.19pm GMT
Harriet SherwoodHarriet Sherwood
British bishops have have decried the travel ban as un-Christian:British bishops have have decried the travel ban as un-Christian:
The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, said:The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, said:
It is extraordinary that any civilised country should stigmatise and ban citizens of other nations in the matter of providing humanitarian protection. There is a valid question as to whether Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities in the Middle East have so far had adequate access to such protection. However a blanket ban on any individual group is bound to undermine the fundamental principles of asylum. In Christ, we are called to welcome the stranger especially when in desperate need.It is extraordinary that any civilised country should stigmatise and ban citizens of other nations in the matter of providing humanitarian protection. There is a valid question as to whether Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities in the Middle East have so far had adequate access to such protection. However a blanket ban on any individual group is bound to undermine the fundamental principles of asylum. In Christ, we are called to welcome the stranger especially when in desperate need.
The Bishop of Liverpool, the Rt Revd Paul Bayes, said:The Bishop of Liverpool, the Rt Revd Paul Bayes, said:
I am deeply disappointed by this way of governing. Signing executive orders of this nature is an unseemly way for the leader of the free world to conduct his nation’s business. The US will not be made safer if hurting and displaced people are ignored or rejected. As a Christian I find it impossible to square this behaviour with the values of the Gospel. I urge President Trump’s administration to follow Christ’s example and to welcome the stranger.I am deeply disappointed by this way of governing. Signing executive orders of this nature is an unseemly way for the leader of the free world to conduct his nation’s business. The US will not be made safer if hurting and displaced people are ignored or rejected. As a Christian I find it impossible to square this behaviour with the values of the Gospel. I urge President Trump’s administration to follow Christ’s example and to welcome the stranger.
at 12.19pm GMTat 12.19pm GMT
12.12pm GMT12.12pm GMT
If the planned state visit does ahead the Queen won’t say a word against Trump. But contrast her neutral stance with her opposition number in Belgium.If the planned state visit does ahead the Queen won’t say a word against Trump. But contrast her neutral stance with her opposition number in Belgium.
King Philip delivered an outspoken attack on both Brexit and Trump’s election in his annual address, De Standaard reports.King Philip delivered an outspoken attack on both Brexit and Trump’s election in his annual address, De Standaard reports.
Without mentioning either country by name, the prince said that the US and Britain have decided to focus mainly on their own policies.Without mentioning either country by name, the prince said that the US and Britain have decided to focus mainly on their own policies.
“This is contrary to their tradition of openness and generosity,” said King Philip. “The year 2016 we will be forever remembered as the year when two great friendly countries decided henceforth to pay particular attention to themselves and their policies’, said King Philip.“This is contrary to their tradition of openness and generosity,” said King Philip. “The year 2016 we will be forever remembered as the year when two great friendly countries decided henceforth to pay particular attention to themselves and their policies’, said King Philip.
“We will not succeed in restoring confidence by turning back the clock, from a kind of utopian nostalgic thought. Nor by erecting walls,” he warned.“We will not succeed in restoring confidence by turning back the clock, from a kind of utopian nostalgic thought. Nor by erecting walls,” he warned.
11.53am GMT11.53am GMT
Petition watch:Petition watch:
The number of signatories against the planned state visit is now at more than 1.65 million.The number of signatories against the planned state visit is now at more than 1.65 million.
The rival petition backing the planned state visit has just topped 90,000.The rival petition backing the planned state visit has just topped 90,000.
And more than 70 MPs have signed an early day motion calling on the Speaker to prevent President Trump addressing Parliament.And more than 70 MPs have signed an early day motion calling on the Speaker to prevent President Trump addressing Parliament.