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Trump fires acting attorney general who said travel ban was unlawful – live Refugee agency warns on US ban as Donald Trump rounds on Democrats – live
(35 minutes later)
11.53am GMT
Petition watch:
The number of signatories against the planned state visit is now at more than 1.65 million.
The rival petition backing the planned state visit has just topped 90,000.
And more than 70 MPs have signed an early day motion calling on the Speaker to prevent President Trump addressing Parliament.
11.43am GMT
In his second tweet of the day, Trump expressed frustration at the delay to the confirmation of Jeff Sessions as his nomination for attorney general. Senator Sessions, an anti-immigration lawyer from Alabama, is thought to be one of the architects of the travel ban.
When will the Democrats give us our Attorney General and rest of Cabinet! They should be ashamed of themselves! No wonder D.C. doesn't work!
11.38am GMT
Here’s a roundup of the latest fallout from President Trump’s travel ban on seven Muslim majority nations:
Lord Ricketts, the former Foreign Office permanent secretary, has called for a delay of up to three years on Trump’s planned state visit to the UK, to save the Queen embarrassment. He said: “If you did it two or three years into the Trump presidency the controversial early policy announcements would have been out of the way.”
The UN’s refugee agency says 800 refugees will be denied entry to USA this week and 20,000 people will be left in precarious circumstances by the ban. UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said he is “deeply worried by the uncertainty facing thousands of refugees” because of the ban.
Donald Trump fired Sally Yates, the acting attorney general after she advised justice department lawyers not to defend a travel ban she considered to be “not lawful”. In an extraordinary statement announcing her dismissal, the White House said Yates had “betrayed the department of justice”.
Yates was immediately replaced by Dana Boente, whose first act was to undo her last act. Chuck Schumer, the Democratic minority leader in the Senate, said news of Yates’ sacking was “chilling”.
Thousands of people gathered across the UK to protest against Trump’s travel ban and his planned UK state visit. About 10,000 people were thought to have marched on Downing Street in London.
MPs unanimously passed a motion condemning the “discriminatory, divisive and counterproductive” travel ban. The emergency debate was called by former Labour leader Ed Miliband and Conservative MP Nadhim Zahawi, who was born in Baghdad and risked being banned from the US.
Former president Barack Obama has spoken out against Trump’s travel ban. Obama’s spokesman, Kevin Lewis, said: “Citizens exercising their constitutional right to assemble, organise and have their voices heard by their elected officials is exactly what we expect to see when American values are at stake.”
11.30am GMT
Donald Trump’s has fired off his first tweet of the day to mock Democrats’ opposition to the travel ban.
Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a rally at the steps of The Supreme Court and mic did not work (a mess)-just like Dem party!
On Monday night, Chuck Schumer, the Democratic minority leader in the Senate, said news of Sally Yates’ sacking was “chilling”, pointing out that the attorney general’s duty is to the law and the constitution, rather than to the president.
at 11.35am GMT
11.09am GMT11.09am GMT
Guardian Music has more on Bruce Springsteen speaking out against the ban (see earlier).Guardian Music has more on Bruce Springsteen speaking out against the ban (see earlier).
10.42am GMT10.42am GMT
UNHCR: 800 refugees barred from USUNHCR: 800 refugees barred from US
The UN’s refugee agency says 800 refugees will be denied entry to USA this week and 20,000 people will be left in precarious circumstances by Trump’s 120 day refugee ban.The UN’s refugee agency says 800 refugees will be denied entry to USA this week and 20,000 people will be left in precarious circumstances by Trump’s 120 day refugee ban.
UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said he is “deeply worried by the uncertainty facing thousands of refugees around the world who are in the process of being resettled to the United States”.UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said he is “deeply worried by the uncertainty facing thousands of refugees around the world who are in the process of being resettled to the United States”.
In a statement the UNHCR said:In a statement the UNHCR said:
This week alone, over 800 refugees were set to make America their new home, but instead find themselves barred from travelling to the US. UNHCR estimates that 20,000 refugees in precarious circumstances might have been resettled to the United States during the 120 days covered by the suspension announced Friday, based on average monthly figures for the last 15 years. Refugees are anxious, confused and heartbroken at this suspension in what is already a lengthy process.This week alone, over 800 refugees were set to make America their new home, but instead find themselves barred from travelling to the US. UNHCR estimates that 20,000 refugees in precarious circumstances might have been resettled to the United States during the 120 days covered by the suspension announced Friday, based on average monthly figures for the last 15 years. Refugees are anxious, confused and heartbroken at this suspension in what is already a lengthy process.
For decades, the United States has been a global leader in refugee protection, a tradition rooted in the tolerance and generosity of the American people. UNHCR hopes the US will continue its strong leadership role and its long history of protecting those who are fleeing conflict and persecution.For decades, the United States has been a global leader in refugee protection, a tradition rooted in the tolerance and generosity of the American people. UNHCR hopes the US will continue its strong leadership role and its long history of protecting those who are fleeing conflict and persecution.
The High Commissioner underlines once again UNHCR’s position that refugees should receive equal treatment for protection and assistance, and opportunities for resettlement, regardless of their religion, nationality or race.The High Commissioner underlines once again UNHCR’s position that refugees should receive equal treatment for protection and assistance, and opportunities for resettlement, regardless of their religion, nationality or race.
10.31am GMT10.31am GMT
The prospect of the Queen’s discomfort at Trump’s visit has been a gift for cartoonists. The Guardian’s Steve Bell imagines her screaming in horror whiling sitting in a state carriage with Trump.The prospect of the Queen’s discomfort at Trump’s visit has been a gift for cartoonists. The Guardian’s Steve Bell imagines her screaming in horror whiling sitting in a state carriage with Trump.
The Times’s Morten Morland reckons the Queen could be tempted to build a wall to prevent Trump coming, while Prince Charles adds his name to the online petition against the visit.The Times’s Morten Morland reckons the Queen could be tempted to build a wall to prevent Trump coming, while Prince Charles adds his name to the online petition against the visit.
One's cartoon in today's @thetimes #TrumpBan #queen's cartoon in today's @thetimes #TrumpBan #queen
And here’s Morland on Trump’s battle with his justice department.And here’s Morland on Trump’s battle with his justice department.
Donald Trump and Justice #SallyYates Trump and Justice #SallyYates
at 10.34am GMTat 10.34am GMT
10.06am GMT10.06am GMT
Alex HernAlex Hern
Amazon chief executive, Jeff Bezos, has pledged the full legal resources of his company to fight the travel ban, writes Alex Hern.Amazon chief executive, Jeff Bezos, has pledged the full legal resources of his company to fight the travel ban, writes Alex Hern.
In an email to employees sent on Monday afternoon, Bezos said that Amazon would be putting its legal and lobbying efforts behind the fight against the ban. A key avenue of opposition involves supporting the attorney general for Washington state, where Amazon is headquartered, in his lawsuit against Trump –the first confirmed legal action from a state against one of the new administration’s policies.In an email to employees sent on Monday afternoon, Bezos said that Amazon would be putting its legal and lobbying efforts behind the fight against the ban. A key avenue of opposition involves supporting the attorney general for Washington state, where Amazon is headquartered, in his lawsuit against Trump –the first confirmed legal action from a state against one of the new administration’s policies.
In an excerpt from Bezos’s email published by Recode, the Amazon head details some of the company’s intended actions: “We reached out to congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle to explore legislative options. Our legal team has prepared a declaration of support for the Washington state attorney general who will be filing suit against the order. We are working other legal options as well.”In an excerpt from Bezos’s email published by Recode, the Amazon head details some of the company’s intended actions: “We reached out to congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle to explore legislative options. Our legal team has prepared a declaration of support for the Washington state attorney general who will be filing suit against the order. We are working other legal options as well.”
9.53am GMT9.53am GMT
Shadow business secretary Clive Lewis urged Theresa May to stop appeasing Trump.Shadow business secretary Clive Lewis urged Theresa May to stop appeasing Trump.
In a speech to last night’s rally in Westminster, published by the Huffington Post, Lewis also tried to tie the issue to the tricky byelection Labour is facing in Stoke.In a speech to last night’s rally in Westminster, published by the Huffington Post, Lewis also tried to tie the issue to the tricky byelection Labour is facing in Stoke.
“Nowhere does it say Donald Trump has the right to undermine our human rights. Because an attack on one, be they Muslim, Mexican or gay, is an attack on all of us.“Nowhere does it say Donald Trump has the right to undermine our human rights. Because an attack on one, be they Muslim, Mexican or gay, is an attack on all of us.
“So, Theresa May, listen up!“So, Theresa May, listen up!
“We the British people are telling you stop with the appeasement. Stop indulging a racist, torture-supporting, woman-hating, crypto fascist. Stop him from coming to this country until he lifts the ban on Muslims.”“We the British people are telling you stop with the appeasement. Stop indulging a racist, torture-supporting, woman-hating, crypto fascist. Stop him from coming to this country until he lifts the ban on Muslims.”
That’s because the EU referendum result did not give you a mandate to sell out on our British values. Did not give you permission to sell our NHS to Donald Trump and his corporate cronies. Did not give you permission to rip us away from our brothers and sisters in Europe and into the arms of Trump’s America.That’s because the EU referendum result did not give you a mandate to sell out on our British values. Did not give you permission to sell our NHS to Donald Trump and his corporate cronies. Did not give you permission to rip us away from our brothers and sisters in Europe and into the arms of Trump’s America.
“My final plea is this. It’s a plea to all the decent people of Stoke. Its clear the Tories have pulled back in Stoke to give Paul Nuttall of Ukip a clear run at Labour.“My final plea is this. It’s a plea to all the decent people of Stoke. Its clear the Tories have pulled back in Stoke to give Paul Nuttall of Ukip a clear run at Labour.
“In Richmond, progressive voters kicked out Zac Goldsmith - a man who conducted an outrageous racist mayoral campaign. They collectively kicked him out.“In Richmond, progressive voters kicked out Zac Goldsmith - a man who conducted an outrageous racist mayoral campaign. They collectively kicked him out.
“Now I urge the progressive voters of Stoke to support the Labour candidate and stop the politics of Trump from coming to Westminster.“Now I urge the progressive voters of Stoke to support the Labour candidate and stop the politics of Trump from coming to Westminster.
at 9.54am GMTat 9.54am GMT
9.37am GMT9.37am GMT
Here’s one we missed yesterday ... Bruce Springsteen added his voice to those protesting against the Muslim ban. At a concert in Adelaide he said the ban was “anti-democratic and fundamentally unAmerican.”Here’s one we missed yesterday ... Bruce Springsteen added his voice to those protesting against the Muslim ban. At a concert in Adelaide he said the ban was “anti-democratic and fundamentally unAmerican.”
"America is a nation of immigrants and we find this anti-democratic and fundamentally un-American.""America is a nation of immigrants and we find this anti-democratic and fundamentally un-American."
9.26am GMT9.26am GMT
The Queen can take a state visit from Trump in her stride, according to former foreign secretary William Hague.The Queen can take a state visit from Trump in her stride, according to former foreign secretary William Hague.
Writing in the Telegraph he says:Writing in the Telegraph he says:
“A Queen who has been asked over the decades to host tyrants such as Presidents Mobuto of Zaire and Ceausescu of Romania is going to take a brash billionaire from New York effortlessly in her stride ...“A Queen who has been asked over the decades to host tyrants such as Presidents Mobuto of Zaire and Ceausescu of Romania is going to take a brash billionaire from New York effortlessly in her stride ...
State visits, if properly conducted, are about long-term friendship between nations, and all the links of the business, scientific, academic and diplomatic worlds. They give an incentive to both sides to make agreements to their mutual benefit – and the UK has never needed that more than now as we pull out of the EU.State visits, if properly conducted, are about long-term friendship between nations, and all the links of the business, scientific, academic and diplomatic worlds. They give an incentive to both sides to make agreements to their mutual benefit – and the UK has never needed that more than now as we pull out of the EU.
Most of us do not warm to Donald Trump or agree with the policies of his first 10 days. We can still, however, believe that our government should be the one he is most likely to listen to, and that Americans of all persuasions are among our closest friends. That means that when we ask the president to visit, we don’t rescind the invitation.”Most of us do not warm to Donald Trump or agree with the policies of his first 10 days. We can still, however, believe that our government should be the one he is most likely to listen to, and that Americans of all persuasions are among our closest friends. That means that when we ask the president to visit, we don’t rescind the invitation.”
Labour MP Louise Haigh is concerned that all this talk of making it difficult for the Queen misses a bigger point.Labour MP Louise Haigh is concerned that all this talk of making it difficult for the Queen misses a bigger point.
Is embarrassing Queen really primary concern w fawning over a racist misogynist on cusp of destroying the world as we know it? #TrumpProtestIs embarrassing Queen really primary concern w fawning over a racist misogynist on cusp of destroying the world as we know it? #TrumpProtest
9.07am GMT
Pro Brexit Tory MP Andrew Bridgen has suggested that the state visit invitation to Trump has boosted the UK’s prospects of a trade deal with the US.
Defending the invitation on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Bridgen said: “We do need a good relationship with the Americans.”
And alluding to President Obama’s warning about the UK going to the back of the queue if it voted for Brexit, Bridgen said: “With President Trump we have gone from the back of the queue to the front of the queue with regard to a free trade deal.”
Bridgen pointed out that no date had yet been set for the state visit. “He has enacted a temporary travel ban for 90 days. I would suspect that any date for his visit will be long after the travel ban has expired and new security arrangements are in place.”
Asked if he thought the visit would be delayed, Bridgen said:
“Anything is possible and diplomacy is very flexible ...
“He’ll have advisers around him, advising him of the right time to come to the UK. It won’t be in the next 90 days, but I think it will be in next six month.”
8.50am GMT
Ricketts: delay state visit by up to three years
Lord Ricketts, the former Foreign Office permanent secretary, has suggested delaying Trump’s state visit by up to three years to save the Queen embarrassment.
Expanding on his letter to the Times, Lord Ricketts, criticised the government for being too hasty in inviting Trump on a state visit.
Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme he said: “If you did it two or three years into the Trump presidency the controversial early policy announcements would have been out of the way, things would have settled down and then hopefully we could receive the president in that sort of warm celebrating spirit that you want to do with a state visit.”
He added: “The point about a state visit is that it directly involves the Queen in a very personal way. It is the Queen’s invitation. The fact that the invitation was given within the first days of President Trump arriving in the White House, apparently to happen in the first few months of his presidency, means that is comes much faster than it has for previous US presidents.”
Ricketts, who was the chair of the royal visits committee, pointed out that Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton were not given state visits until three years into their first terms. He said:
My concern is that ... clearly there is now a lot of controversy. If that continues then it seems to me then it does put the Queen in a difficult position. She would want to receive the President in a celebratory, warm, friendly visit. At the moment it looks quite controversial.
I was personally surprised that an invitation was issued so quickly. It does put the Queen directly involved at this early stage. In this early turbulent period, when these controversial policies are being announced, we have now got a state visit invitation on the table. It would have been possible to have invited the president to come on an official visit, but without the full panoply, the full accolade of a state visit quite so quickly.
I wouldn’t suggest it [the invitation] should be withdrawn. I don’t think the timing has yet been set, and what I suggested is that perhaps the timing of the state visit can now be put back a bit, until we are able to see the president in the sort of way we would want to do.
The alternative is that we continue as we are. But if the current level of protest and opposition, then I do think the Queen is put in a difficult position.
I’m trying to suggest a way forward now. With large scale protests, with a million and half people signing this petition in two or three days. There is controversy around this.
The other approach is to go ahead and hope that within a few months things will have calmed down and have a proper visit. At the moment that looks quite tricky.
Once this invitation has been issued, then of course there should be a state visit, and I wouldn’t be against that. But
at 8.51am GMT
8.05am GMT
Guardian columnist Owen Jones spoke to some of the thousands of protesters who gathered outside Downing Street on Monday night to demonstrate against Trump’s travel ban.
7.49am GMT
Alan Dershowitz, one of the most outspoken lawyers in the US, has criticised the way Sally Yates played into the hands of Donald Trump before he fired her.
The Harvard law professor who was part of OJ Simpson’s defence team, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that he thought Trump’s travel ban is wrong and partly illegal.
But he also rounded on the tactical mistakes made by Yates in the way she criticised the policy.
Dershowitz said Yates “should not have ordered the justice department not to defend it [the travel ban]. She should have simply resigned in protest, but instead she made it almost imperative for the president to fire her. She played into his hands, and this has caused a tremendous disarray in our government, but it has probably helped Donald Trump politically because here he is standing up to the attorney general, firing her, and cleaning the swamp. So he has won this round unfortunately.”
He added that Trump will have stored up resentment in the justice department by sacking Yates. He said:
“There will be some people who are civil servants who will always resent the fact that the president fired the acting attorney general. So this will cause him some long term damage in his relations with the justice department, but President Trump doesn’t think long term.”
Asked about the legality of the travel ban, Dershowitz, said:
“I think parts of it are unlawful parts of it are lawful. I think it is all wrong, all bad policy, but there is an enormous difference between a ban on green card holders, which is illegal, and denying a visa to someone who has no prior connection to the United States.”
He also called on “principled Republicans” to stand up to Trump. “He’s going to have to garner their support, and he’s doing a very bad job of that up to now.”
Dershowitz said the prospect of impeachment is “off the table”. He explained:
“To be impeached in the United States is very very difficult. You have to really commit a high crime or misdemeanour under the constitution. And no president has ever been impeached when he controls both the house and the senate.”
“What he is going to try to do is govern through populism. We are a country in crisis. So much will depend on how responsible members of his own party respond to his excesses.”
at 9.15am GMT
6.52am GMT
Claire Phipps
On a turbulent Monday evening in Washington, Donald Trump fired Sally Yates, the acting attorney general who had advised justice department lawyers not to defend a travel ban she considered to be “not lawful”.
In a memorandum to staff, Yates – who was due to be in place until Jeff Sessions, Trump’s pick for attorney general, is confirmed – wrote:
At present, I am not convinced that the defense of the executive order is consistent with [my] responsibilities nor am I convinced that the executive order is lawful.
Consequently, for as long as I am the acting attorney general, the department of justice will not present arguments in defense of the executive order, unless and until I become convinced that it is appropriate to do so.
You can read the full letter here.
In an extraordinary statement announcing her dismissal, the White House said Yates had “betrayed the department of justice”, adding:
Ms Yates is an Obama administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.
You can read the full statement here.
Yates was immediately replaced by Dana Boente, whose first act was to undo her last act:
I hereby rescind former acting attorney general Sally Q Yates January 30, 2017, guidance and direct the men and women of the department of justice to do our sworn duty and to defend the lawful orders of our president.
You can read that full statement here.
Video footage has surfaced of Yates’s confirmation hearing in 2015 (as deputy attorney general) in which Sessions – who faces a hearing of his own this week – quizzed her on fidelity to the law v fidelity to the president:
Sessions: Do you think the attorney general has a responsibility to say no to the president if he asks for something that’s improper? … If the views the president wants to execute are unlawful, should the attorney general or the deputy attorney general say no?
Yates: Senator, I believe the attorney general or the deputy attorney general has an obligation to follow the law and the constitution, and to give their independent legal advice to the president.
The Trump administration also removed the acting director of US immigration and customs enforcement (Ice), Daniel Ragsdale, late on Monday night without explanation. Newly appointed homeland security secretary John Kelly said Thomas Homan would take up the role in a statement that made no mention of Ragsdale. Ice later confirmed he would remain deputy director of the agency.
at 7.51am GMT
6.29am GMT
As a UK petition against the planned state visit by Donald Trump “because it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen” tops 1.6 million signatures, there are signs that the possible royal embarrassment might be the issue that gives 10 Downing Street pause for thought.
Here’s the front page of Tuesday’s Times:
• Trump visit will hurt the Queen, May is told • Taxman hits middle-class earners with record fines #tomorrowspaperstoday
In a letter to the newspaper, Lord Ricketts, who was permanent secretary at the UK foreign office from 2006-10 before becoming then prime minister David Cameron’s national security adviser, said the offer so early in Trump’s presidency was “premature” and put the Queen in a “very difficult position”, Press Association reports.
Ricketts said it was unprecedented for a US president to be given a state visit in their first year in the White House and questioned whether Mr Trump was “specially deserving of this exceptional honour”:
It would have been far wiser to wait to see what sort of president he would turn out to be before advising the Queen to invite him. Now the Queen is put in a very difficult position.
6.14am GMT
Who is Sally Yates, now no longer acting attorney general?
A career justice department attorney, she was the deputy attorney general in the Obama administration. The Trump team had asked her to stay on to allow for a cohesive transition, even as the other senior leadership of the justice department departed.
Yates, 56, from Atlanta, Georgia, was the lead prosecutor in the case against Olympic bomber Eric Rudolph.
She received bipartisan praise when she was appointed to the number two spot below Loretta Lynch at the justice department in 2015. The Republican Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia said of her: “Sally Quillian Yates is a human being I have known for almost 40 years. For 25 years she has been the lead prosecutor in the northern district of Georgia.
“She has been an equal opportunity prosecutor. She’s prosecuted Democrats, Republicans, independents, Olympic park bombers, anybody that violated the public trust, any abuse of power.”
His fellow Republican, David Perdue, said of Yates: “I’m confident that she will bring an objective, apolitical approach to the justice department.”
5.55am GMT
Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer has praised the actions of former acting attorney general Sally Yates after she was fired by Donald Trump for saying his travel ban was not lawful:
It was a profile in courage. It was a brave act and a right act …
How can you run a country like this?
at 5.55am GMT
5.45am GMT
Patrick Leahy, ranking member of the Senate judiciary committee, has criticised the firing of Sally Yates – and the White House wording of her dismissal:
Federal courts have already found President Trump’s immigration order is very likely unconstitutional, and tonight, acting attorney general Yates concluded that it was not legally defensible.
She was fired for recognising that her oath is to the constitution and not to President Trump. His accusation that she has ‘betrayed the department of justice’ is wrong and it is dangerous.
President Trump has now put his cabinet on notice: if you adhere to your oath of office to defend the constitution, you risk your job.
Equally troubling is that his nominee for attorney general, Senator Jeff Sessions, has shown no indication that he has the independence to put the constitution before the president. The Senate at its best can be the conscience of the nation. Senators must oppose Senator Sessions.
5.40am GMT
The Mexican president, Enrique Peña Nieto, has spoken to the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, Mexico’s government has said.
It said the pair spoke by phone on Monday and agreed to strengthen ties:
Both leaders agreed to keep in close contact and intensify their teams’ work to speed up the integration of a stronger and more prosperous North America.
The statement said Peña Nieto “reiterated the will of the Mexican government to continue reinforcing ties … between the two peoples”.
The new US president has threatened to leave Nafta (the North American Free Trade Agreement) if Mexico and Canada will not renegotiate it.
A meeting last week between Trump and Peña Nieto was cancelled after Mexico once again insisted it would not pay for the US president’s proposed border wall.