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Trump travel ban: president defends order amid worldwide controversy – live Trump travel ban: president defends order amid worldwide controversy – live
(35 minutes later)
5.37pm GMT
UK arranges deal with US over travel ban for British citizens
UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has insisted that the UK government has hammered out a new deal with Donald Trump’s administration under which anyone carrying a British passport will not be banned from entering the US.
The foreign secretary told parliament that further talks with senior figures inside the White House had secured a more detailed agreement that dual nationals would not be stopped, even if they were travelling from one of the seven countries covered by the US ban.
Johnson made clear that the new US immigration policy, which he described as “highly controversial”, was not a measure that the British government would consider.
Following talks between himself and the home secretary, Amber Rudd, and their US counterparts, he said: “I’m able to provide the following clarification. The general principle is that all British passport holders remain welcome to travel to the US. We have received assurances that this executive order will make no difference to any British passport holder irrespective of their country of birth or if they hold another passport.”
Read the rest here.
5.23pm GMT
Helena Smith
Helena Smith, our correspondent in Greece, the county long on the frontline of the refugee crisis, reports on Syrians being the biggest victims of Trump’s travel ban.
The implications of the freeze may still be unclear but of one thing human rights groups are sure: Syrian refugees fleeing atrocity and war are among the biggest losers not least because the U.S. has resettled more Syrian refugees to date than any other country.
“What is very clear cut is that Syrian refugees have now lost one of their very few tickets out,” Amnesty International’s deputy director for Europe and Central Asia, Gauri Van Gulik, told the Guardian.
“The U.S. has been the biggest re-settler country. For Syrians who had some hope of being resettled, that hope is now shut. It’s a huge loss,” said Van Gulik.
Around 800,000 Syrians fled to Europe via Greece at the height of the conflict in 2015. The vast majority made their way further north until borders along the Balkan corridor were closed and thousands were subsequently stranded in Greece.
at 5.40pm GMT
5.20pm GMT
Trump just signed another new executive order, this one on the theme of cutting regulation.
The purpose of the order states that:
for every one new regulation issued, at least two prior regulations be identified for elimination, and that the cost of planned regulations be prudently managed and controlled through a budgeting process.
It’s being done as a cost-cutting measure, although it’s not yet clear the practicalities of cutting two regulations for every new regulation to be implemented.
5.03pm GMT5.03pm GMT
State Dept circulating 'dissent channel' memo against Trump's travel banState Dept circulating 'dissent channel' memo against Trump's travel ban
A “Dissent Channel” memo slamming Trump’s executive orders as “counter to core American values” and saying the changes will instead aid terrorists is circulating amongst State Department staffers, reports the Washington Post.A “Dissent Channel” memo slamming Trump’s executive orders as “counter to core American values” and saying the changes will instead aid terrorists is circulating amongst State Department staffers, reports the Washington Post.
The memo, which is titled “Alternatives to Closing Doors in Order to Secure Our Borders” according to the draft published in the Washington Post, is being signed by State Department staff.The memo, which is titled “Alternatives to Closing Doors in Order to Secure Our Borders” according to the draft published in the Washington Post, is being signed by State Department staff.
Then, it will be sent officially through the Dissent Channel, a channel used to communicate dissenting opinions on government policy without fear of retribution.Then, it will be sent officially through the Dissent Channel, a channel used to communicate dissenting opinions on government policy without fear of retribution.
Trump’s travel ban will “sour relations” with the named countries and also others in the Muslim world, says the memo, noting that it will “increase anti-American sentiment”. The memo also states the US will suffer economically and that there is a humanitarian responsibility to allow travel for needs such as medical needs or to attend funerals.Trump’s travel ban will “sour relations” with the named countries and also others in the Muslim world, says the memo, noting that it will “increase anti-American sentiment”. The memo also states the US will suffer economically and that there is a humanitarian responsibility to allow travel for needs such as medical needs or to attend funerals.
“Looking beyond its effectiveness, this ban stands in opposition to the core American and constitutional values that we, as federal employees, took an oath to uphold,” it reads.“Looking beyond its effectiveness, this ban stands in opposition to the core American and constitutional values that we, as federal employees, took an oath to uphold,” it reads.
Instead, the memo calls for wider vetting of people from all countries, including holders of US passports, not just the seven Muslim-majority countries named.Instead, the memo calls for wider vetting of people from all countries, including holders of US passports, not just the seven Muslim-majority countries named.
Steve Herman, a diplomatic reporter reporter at Voice of America, published a statement from the State Department confirming the authenticity of the memo.Steve Herman, a diplomatic reporter reporter at Voice of America, published a statement from the State Department confirming the authenticity of the memo.
Read the whole draft memo here.Read the whole draft memo here.
4.37pm GMT4.37pm GMT
Live video of British MPs discussing the Trump administration and the Trump executive order.Live video of British MPs discussing the Trump administration and the Trump executive order.
at 4.44pm GMTat 4.44pm GMT
4.25pm GMT4.25pm GMT
Coffee giant Starbucks announced overnight a promise to hire 10,000 refugees, in response to Trump’s executive order travel ban.Coffee giant Starbucks announced overnight a promise to hire 10,000 refugees, in response to Trump’s executive order travel ban.
As Adam Vaughan and Dominic Rushe report:As Adam Vaughan and Dominic Rushe report:
Howard Schultz, the coffee chain’s chief executive, said he had “deep concern” about the president’s order and would be taking “resolute” action, starting with offering jobs to refugees.Howard Schultz, the coffee chain’s chief executive, said he had “deep concern” about the president’s order and would be taking “resolute” action, starting with offering jobs to refugees.
“We are developing plans to hire 10,000 of them over five years in the 75 countries around the world where Starbucks does business,” he told employees in a strongly-worded note.“We are developing plans to hire 10,000 of them over five years in the 75 countries around the world where Starbucks does business,” he told employees in a strongly-worded note.
He added that the move was to make clear the company “will neither stand by, nor stand silent, as the uncertainty around the new administration’s actions grows with each passing day.”He added that the move was to make clear the company “will neither stand by, nor stand silent, as the uncertainty around the new administration’s actions grows with each passing day.”
Read the rest here.Read the rest here.
4.11pm GMT4.11pm GMT
Syrian refugees in Rome have a message for the US president, as criticism grows over Donald Trump’s freeze on America’s refugee program.Syrian refugees in Rome have a message for the US president, as criticism grows over Donald Trump’s freeze on America’s refugee program.
4.03pm GMT4.03pm GMT
Good morning and welcome to our continuing coverage of the fallout from Donald Trump’s executive order on refugee admission and travel from some Muslim-majority countries.Good morning and welcome to our continuing coverage of the fallout from Donald Trump’s executive order on refugee admission and travel from some Muslim-majority countries.
After a weekend of mass protests and disruption - with people detained at airports, refused entry to planes and removed from the United States - legal challenges continue to be launched, challenging the validity of the order.After a weekend of mass protests and disruption - with people detained at airports, refused entry to planes and removed from the United States - legal challenges continue to be launched, challenging the validity of the order.
“We have a constitutional crisis,” Congressman Don Beyer, a Democrat from Virginia, wrote on Twitter on Sunday after Customs and Border Patrol officials refused to release people from Dulles Airport, despite federal court rulings that temporarily stayed the Trump order.“We have a constitutional crisis,” Congressman Don Beyer, a Democrat from Virginia, wrote on Twitter on Sunday after Customs and Border Patrol officials refused to release people from Dulles Airport, despite federal court rulings that temporarily stayed the Trump order.
Having government and public officials abide by the law and court orders is one of the hallmarks of the nation, notes Trevor Timm.Having government and public officials abide by the law and court orders is one of the hallmarks of the nation, notes Trevor Timm.
Trump is standing by the ban and the decision to implement it immediately, with no warning:Trump is standing by the ban and the decision to implement it immediately, with no warning:
If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the "bad" would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad "dudes" out there!If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the "bad" would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad "dudes" out there!
John Kelly, the new secretary for homeland security, released a statement clarifying that green-card holders, who are legal permanent US residents, will not be affected by the travel ban.John Kelly, the new secretary for homeland security, released a statement clarifying that green-card holders, who are legal permanent US residents, will not be affected by the travel ban.
Today, among other things, we’ll be keeping our eye on Trump spokesman Sean Spicer’s 1.30pm ET press briefing, where journalists will be likely quiz him on the ban and the administration’s handling of it.Today, among other things, we’ll be keeping our eye on Trump spokesman Sean Spicer’s 1.30pm ET press briefing, where journalists will be likely quiz him on the ban and the administration’s handling of it.