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Trump Defends His Refugee Order, Saying Only 109 Were Detained Pentagon Drafts List of Iraqi Citizens It Wants Exempted From Trump’s Travel Ban
(35 minutes later)
■ President Trump blamed Delta’s computer problems for chaos at airports after his immigration executive order. The Defense Department has drafted a list of Iraqi citizens that it wants exempted from President Trump’s visitor ban, saying combat with American forces is “extreme vetting.”
■ Mr. Trump blamed Delta’s computer problems for chaos at airports after his immigration executive order.
■ Jewish Republican groups speak out — mildly — after the White House omitted Jews from an International Holocaust Remembrance Day statement.■ Jewish Republican groups speak out — mildly — after the White House omitted Jews from an International Holocaust Remembrance Day statement.
An order from President Trump: no more ISIL or Daesh; call it ISIS. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis plans to send the White House a list of Iraqi citizens who have served with American forces with the recommendation that they be exempt from President Trump’s temporary ban on visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries, administration officials said on Monday.
The Pentagon list is intended to address a major criticism of Mr. Trump’s executive order on immigration: that it will stop the flow of former Iraqi interpreters and cultural advisers who have sought special visas to move to the United States for their own protection.
Some Iraqi military officials with family in the United States, who have also reportedly been affected by the decree, could also benefit from the Pentagon list, which will also be sent to the Department of Homeland Security.
Secretary Mattis was not consulted by the White House during the preparation of the executive order on immigration, which temporarily blocks Iraqi citizens from entering the United States for 90 days. Six other predominantly Muslim countries are covered by the edict: Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
The White House has argued that the temporary ban is needed so that the United States can develop procedures for the “extreme vetting” of travelers from nations that have been stricken by terrorism. Officials said that the Iraqis who will be put on the Pentagon list have already undergone a stringent form of vetting: serving with the United States military in combat.
The Supreme Court — cosseted, cordial and militantly untelevised — is going prime time on live TV, with Mr. Trump announcing on Twitter that he will announce his pick to replace Justice Antonin Scalia at 8 p.m. on Tuesday.
“I have made my decision on who I will nominate for The United States Supreme Court. It will be announced live on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. (W.H.),” Mr. Trump wrote on his personal Twitter account at 8:43 a.m. — perfectly timed to catch the top-of-the-hour news roundups.
The president had originally planned to make the announcement on Thursday, but he had a rough weekend after protests over his executive order temporarily banning migrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries forced the Department of Homeland Security to decree that permanent residents would, for the most part, be exempted from the crackdown.
Mr. Trump’s shortlist of three federal appeals judges, culled from media accounts and confirmed by people close to the process: Neil Gorsuch of Colorado, Thomas Hardiman of Pennsylvania and William Pryor of Alabama, who was originally favored to be the pick.
The president has never shrunk from the theatrical aspects of his job.
Besieged by criticism, with chaos at international airports mounting and protests proliferating, Mr. Trump defended the aftermath of his executive order halting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, saying that problems at airports were the fault of a Delta Airline computer error.Besieged by criticism, with chaos at international airports mounting and protests proliferating, Mr. Trump defended the aftermath of his executive order halting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, saying that problems at airports were the fault of a Delta Airline computer error.
Delta said it fixed its system outage after a few hours on Sunday night. The chaos lasted the whole weekend. Delta said it fixed its system problems after a few hours on Sunday night. The chaos lasted the whole weekend.
Also, if there ever was a Mr. Nice Guy, he is no more.Also, if there ever was a Mr. Nice Guy, he is no more.
And, the president said, he had to spring the order on the world — the element of surprise keeps the nation safe. Also, he seems to have acknowledged that it is a “ban,” a term the Trump administration has denounced as hyperbole.
That swipe at Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, was a reference to the senator choking up on Sunday as he recounted his family’s immigrant experience.That swipe at Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, was a reference to the senator choking up on Sunday as he recounted his family’s immigrant experience.
The Republican Jewish Coalition and the Zionist Organization of America have tried really hard to stay on Mr. Trump’s good side.The Republican Jewish Coalition and the Zionist Organization of America have tried really hard to stay on Mr. Trump’s good side.
During the campaign, when Trump supporters unloaded vicious anti-Semitic invectives on journalists, the Republican Jewish Coalition condemned expressions of hate by supporters of all candidates. The Zionist Organization of America latched on to Mr. Trump’s “America First” program and backed his conservative, pro-settler pick to be ambassador to Israel, David M. Friedman.During the campaign, when Trump supporters unloaded vicious anti-Semitic invectives on journalists, the Republican Jewish Coalition condemned expressions of hate by supporters of all candidates. The Zionist Organization of America latched on to Mr. Trump’s “America First” program and backed his conservative, pro-settler pick to be ambassador to Israel, David M. Friedman.
When the White House released a statement on Friday commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day without mentioning Jews, they were pretty quiet, even as the Anti-Defamation League condemned the omission.When the White House released a statement on Friday commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day without mentioning Jews, they were pretty quiet, even as the Anti-Defamation League condemned the omission.
But on Sunday, after Hope Hicks, a White House spokeswoman, confirmed that the decision to not mention Jews in the statement was intentional, the two Jewish groups were upset, mildly. Ms. Hicks justified the decision by saying, “Despite what the media reports, we are an incredibly inclusive group and we took into account all of those who suffered.”But on Sunday, after Hope Hicks, a White House spokeswoman, confirmed that the decision to not mention Jews in the statement was intentional, the two Jewish groups were upset, mildly. Ms. Hicks justified the decision by saying, “Despite what the media reports, we are an incredibly inclusive group and we took into account all of those who suffered.”
The Republican Jewish Coalition, not exactly sputtering with rage, released a statement:The Republican Jewish Coalition, not exactly sputtering with rage, released a statement:
Morton A. Klein, the national president of Zionist Organization of America, was a little stronger:Morton A. Klein, the national president of Zionist Organization of America, was a little stronger:
Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff, did not sound all that apologetic on NBC’s “Meet the Press”: “I mean, everyone’s suffering in the Holocaust, including obviously all of the Jewish people affected, and the miserable genocide that occurred is something that we consider to be extraordinarily sad and something that can never be forgotten,” he said.Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff, did not sound all that apologetic on NBC’s “Meet the Press”: “I mean, everyone’s suffering in the Holocaust, including obviously all of the Jewish people affected, and the miserable genocide that occurred is something that we consider to be extraordinarily sad and something that can never be forgotten,” he said.
Oh, and he mentioned that some members of Mr. Trump’s family — alluding to Ivanka, his daughter, and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law — are Jewish.Oh, and he mentioned that some members of Mr. Trump’s family — alluding to Ivanka, his daughter, and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law — are Jewish.
Mr. Trump said during the campaign that he had a secret plan to fight the Islamic State. Eight days into his presidency, he seems to have revealed a small part of it.Mr. Trump said during the campaign that he had a secret plan to fight the Islamic State. Eight days into his presidency, he seems to have revealed a small part of it.
Call it ISIS.Call it ISIS.
An executive memorandum that Mr. Trump signed in the Oval Office on Saturday afternoon repeatedly referred to the Islamic State as ISIS — not ISIL, as former President Barack Obama and the rest of the federal government called the terrorist group; not Daesh, the Arabic acronym for the group, as British Prime Minister Theresa May called it while standing next to the president last week in the East Room of the White House. An executive memorandum that Mr. Trump signed in the Oval Office on Saturday afternoon repeatedly referred to the Islamic State as ISIS — not ISIL, as former President Barack Obama and the rest of the federal government called the terrorist group; and not Daesh, the Arabic acronym for the group, as British Prime Minister Theresa May called it while standing next to the president last week in the East Room of the White House.
“This is the plan to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, in other words, ISIS,” Mr. Trump said as he signed the memorandum, which called on the Pentagon to devise a “comprehensive plan” within 30 days.“This is the plan to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, in other words, ISIS,” Mr. Trump said as he signed the memorandum, which called on the Pentagon to devise a “comprehensive plan” within 30 days.
This is a big issue for the president. As he said in late 2015, before his campaign heated up:This is a big issue for the president. As he said in late 2015, before his campaign heated up:
In May 2016, Mr. Trump again brought up the issue, saying in an interview with Bloomberg Politics: “The president of the United States always says ‘ISIL.’ Everyone else says ‘ISIS.’ And I actually think he does it to bother people.”In May 2016, Mr. Trump again brought up the issue, saying in an interview with Bloomberg Politics: “The president of the United States always says ‘ISIL.’ Everyone else says ‘ISIS.’ And I actually think he does it to bother people.”
Rush Limbaugh accused Mr. Obama of using ISIL to delegitimize Israel — naturally. (Don’t ask, it doesn’t make sense.)Rush Limbaugh accused Mr. Obama of using ISIL to delegitimize Israel — naturally. (Don’t ask, it doesn’t make sense.)
In fact, the former president thought the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant was more delegitimizing than the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, which denoted the territory the group holds.In fact, the former president thought the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant was more delegitimizing than the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, which denoted the territory the group holds.
Well, elections have consequences.Well, elections have consequences.
Democratic lawmakers greeted Mr. Trump’s executive order barring visitors and immigrants from seven Muslim nations with unmistakable broadsides.Democratic lawmakers greeted Mr. Trump’s executive order barring visitors and immigrants from seven Muslim nations with unmistakable broadsides.
As protests mounted and criticism grew, Republicans slowly began to speak out, but most of the coordinated response seemed to be, We like what the president is doing, and maybe he could have done things a little differently.As protests mounted and criticism grew, Republicans slowly began to speak out, but most of the coordinated response seemed to be, We like what the president is doing, and maybe he could have done things a little differently.
Take Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of California, who once called the Obama administration the most corrupt presidency in history, until Mr. Issa nearly lost his seat and claimed he had cooperated with Mr. Obama. His district appears to be getting more ethnically diverse, but it still has affluent Republican strongholds that have helped him remain in power since 2003. It takes the Republican nonposition to an art form. Take Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of California, who once called the Obama administration the most corrupt presidency in history, until Mr. Issa nearly lost his seat and claimed he had cooperated with Mr. Obama. His district appears to be getting more ethnically diverse, but it still has affluent Republican strongholds that have helped him remain in power since 2003. The statement takes the Republican nonposition to an art form:
Richard J. Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, Illinois’ two Democratic senators, demanded an independent investigation by the inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security into the way it carried out Mr. Trump’s executive order on immigration from seven Muslim nations.Richard J. Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, Illinois’ two Democratic senators, demanded an independent investigation by the inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security into the way it carried out Mr. Trump’s executive order on immigration from seven Muslim nations.
The call came amid reports that Customs and Border Protection repeatedly ignored judicial orders to release travelers from detention facilities at airports across the country.The call came amid reports that Customs and Border Protection repeatedly ignored judicial orders to release travelers from detention facilities at airports across the country.
“We are particularly alarmed by allegations that C.B.P. officers and potentially other department personnel failed to comply with a temporary restraining order,” they wrote.“We are particularly alarmed by allegations that C.B.P. officers and potentially other department personnel failed to comply with a temporary restraining order,” they wrote.
Jordan’s king, Abdullah II, is scheduled to have breakfast on Monday with Vice President Mike Pence at the vice president’s residence a few miles from the White House. He would certainly like to get a little closer than that.Jordan’s king, Abdullah II, is scheduled to have breakfast on Monday with Vice President Mike Pence at the vice president’s residence a few miles from the White House. He would certainly like to get a little closer than that.
Amid turmoil over Mr. Trump’s order to halt entries from seven predominantly Muslim countries, the king probably has issues he would like to bring up with the man signing the executive orders. But Mr. Trump does not appear keen to host Abdullah II at the White House, certainly not before Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, pays a visit.Amid turmoil over Mr. Trump’s order to halt entries from seven predominantly Muslim countries, the king probably has issues he would like to bring up with the man signing the executive orders. But Mr. Trump does not appear keen to host Abdullah II at the White House, certainly not before Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, pays a visit.
Jordan’s king will also be meeting with leaders on Capitol Hill. They are likely to get an earful.Jordan’s king will also be meeting with leaders on Capitol Hill. They are likely to get an earful.
Maybe senators are so scared of Mr. Trump that they need a friend for support.Maybe senators are so scared of Mr. Trump that they need a friend for support.
First, on Sunday, Senators John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, released a joint statement condemning Mr. Trump’s executive order blocking refugees, visitors and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Of course, those two are practically their own political party — called McGraham by some, Jindsey by others.First, on Sunday, Senators John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, released a joint statement condemning Mr. Trump’s executive order blocking refugees, visitors and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Of course, those two are practically their own political party — called McGraham by some, Jindsey by others.
Then Senators Tim Scott, Republican of South Carolina, and Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, released their own buddy-gram, positing “unanswered questions and concerns” and some general “uneasy” feelings.Then Senators Tim Scott, Republican of South Carolina, and Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, released their own buddy-gram, positing “unanswered questions and concerns” and some general “uneasy” feelings.
Of course, teaming up hasn’t stopped the president from taking his shots, as he did to Mr. McCain and Mr. Graham.Of course, teaming up hasn’t stopped the president from taking his shots, as he did to Mr. McCain and Mr. Graham.
But maybe it doesn’t hurt as much when you have a friend.But maybe it doesn’t hurt as much when you have a friend.