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Trump inauguration: Can the president deliver on his promises? Trump tracker: How much has President Trump achieved so far?
(30 days later)
Donald Trump is the new president of the United States of America. Donald Trump came into office promising to change the face of American politics and transfer power "back to the people".
The businessman-turned-reality-TV-star is now presiding over more than 300 million Americans, whether they voted for him or not. After four weeks in the White House, he said "incredible progress" had been made, having signed some two dozen executive actions and put his signature to several bills.
On the campaign trail, and in the weeks that followed his stunning victory over Hillary Clinton, he set out his main objectives, albeit with little detail. He also fired his scandal-hit national security adviser and an acting attorney general, who defied his seven-nation travel ban, which later suffered an appeals court defeat.
In the weeks and months to come, we'll be tracking the progress he makes on his agenda and how it is received by the American public. So what has President Trump achieved so far? In the weeks and months to come, we'll be tracking the progress he makes on his agenda and how it is received by the American public.
What executive actions has Trump taken?
One way President Trump is able to exercise political power is through unilateral executive orders and memoranda, which allow him to bypass the legislative process in Congress in certain policy areas.
He wasted little time in taking advantage of this privilege, quickly moving to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, cut business regulations and push ahead with completing the construction of two controversial pipelines.
While it may appear that President Trump has been signing executive actions at an unprecedented rate, he has signed less than President Obama did during the same period in office.
Mr Trump has used many of these actions to deliver on some of his campaign promises, but many of his promises cannot be fulfilled by executive action alone.
For example, his first executive order was designed to limit the effect of the Affordable Care Act, better know as Obamacare, but his promise of repealing and replacing it can only be enacted by Congress.
In-depth: The executive actions Trump has taken
What are presidential executive orders?
How are his approval ratings?How are his approval ratings?
It has been a particularly bumpy transition period for Donald Trump. He has faced a number of testing moments over potential conflicts of interest, his cabinet picks and an unsubstantiated report suggesting that Russia holds compromising material about his private life. When Mr Trump took the oath of office on 20 January he did so with the lowest approval rating of any incoming president.
Ethics concerns swirl around Trump team He dismissed those polls as "rigged" but the strength of the opposition to him was evident when hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets the day after his inauguration.
A list of Trump's potential conflicts of interest Most presidents begin their term with strong approval numbers, but President Trump has bucked that trend. While both George W Bush and Barack Obama were enjoying approval numbers in the 60s after one month in office, Mr Trump is around the 40% mark.
Trump and his team have done their best to swat each of the stories away, but they still appear to have hurt his popularity among the public. Polls suggest that Trump's approval rating as president-elect is far lower than it was for his three most recent predecessors. Donald Trump: Unchained and unapologetic
Does this matter? Maybe not, for now. Mr Trump won the election with low approval numbers so it's unsurprising they're still low, but the scandal over his team's contacts with Russia and his controversial travel ban have kept them falling.
The Republicans control both House and Senate so in theory he can pursue his legislative agenda without worrying too much about his ratings. But to do that he will need to keep his Republican colleagues on side, and his confrontational and unpredictable style could make this difficult. Do the numbers matter? Maybe not, for now. Republicans control both the House and Senate so in theory he can pursue his legislative agenda without worrying about his ratings - as long as he keeps his Republican colleagues on side.
Unsurprisingly, Trump has already hit out at approval polls, saying they are "rigged against him" and carried out by those "who did the phony election polls". But if his ratings stay low or fall further, expect some dissenting voices to emerge in the party as Republicans start to worry about midterm elections in 2018.
But if his ratings are still low in twelve months time, expect some dissenting voices to emerge in the party as congressmen and women and senators start to worry about midterm elections. For now though, there are signs that many of Mr Trump's supporters are happy with his progress - some we spoke to in Pennsylvania said he was doing "a fabulous job". You can hear their views here.
What do Trump's tweets reveal? Russia: The scandal Trump can't shake
What President Trump's supporters want How and why did Trump's key adviser resign?
How will the economy change? How is the economy faring under Trump?
When Barack Obama became president in 2009, the US was in the midst of its worst recession since the 1930s and in his first month the economy shed 800,000 jobs. When Barack Obama became president in 2009, the US was in the midst of its worst recession since the 1930s, with the economy shedding 800,000 jobs in his first month.
But despite a few dips in 2009, the US economy has seen its longest ever period of job creation under President Obama, with December 2016 the 75th consecutive month of job growth. But after a few dips later that year, the US economy saw its longest ever period of job creation. In total, 11.3 million jobs were created under President Obama.
President Obama and the tale of US jobsPresident Obama and the tale of US jobs
Despite those jobs numbers, critics say the recovery has been weak and many of Donald Trump's supporters, especially in former industrial areas, voted for him because they felt it has passed them by. Despite those strong numbers, President Trump described the economy as a "mess" and said he had "inherited many problems" from his predecessor.
Trump has vowed to axe "destructive regulations" and create 25 million new jobs over the next decade, saying too many have been lost to other countries, especially in manufacturing. He has vowed to create 25 million jobs over 10 years and become "the greatest jobs president... ever". We'll track the monthly jobs report to see what progress he makes.
We'll be tracking the monthly jobs report to see how he does with this and monitoring sectors like manufacturing to see what growth there is. We'll also be keeping an eye on other economic indicators, like GDP growth and national debt, and examining how the markets react to his policies. President Trump has cited the strong stock market as a sign that his policies are already having an effect, saying there has been a "tremendous surge of optimism in the business world".
The Dow, S&P 500 and Nasdaq indexes all closed at record highs on 15 February in a partial sign at least that investors were encouraged by Mr Trump's planned infrastructure projects, deregulation and tax cuts.
But the president will need to avoid the backlash that followed his ban on immigrants coming into the US from seven mainly Muslim countries if he wants the stock market to continue hitting new highs.
All of the three major indexes fell slightly after Mr Trump's controversial executive order caused protests at airports across the country - and Silicon Valley lashed out at the president as well.
Latest news on the US economyLatest news on the US economy
What will happen to healthcare? Has Trump moved to cut illegal immigration?
Healthcare will be an early test for President Trump and the Republican Party. Trump has repeatedly said that he expects Congress to quickly "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare, and moves have already been made to do that. Immigration was President Trump's signature issue during the election campaign and he signed two executive orders on 25 January designed to fulfil his promises.
But there have been few details about what a replacement would look like. President Trump has talked about providing "insurance for everybody" but Republican congressional leaders prefer the term "universal access" over "universal coverage". The first declared that the US would build a "physical wall" or similar "impassable physical barrier" - to the delight of all of those Americans who spent 2016 chanting: "Build the wall!"
Thanks to his signature policy, President Obama managed to reduce the number of uninsured Americans down to 8.6% at the beginning of 2016, helping more than 20 million previously-uninsured Americans to finally get health cover. It remains to be seen how Mr Trump will pay it, although he has repeatedly insisted that the US will recoup the costs from the Mexican government, despite their leaders saying otherwise.
There is already some 650 miles of fencing along the border, but we'll monitor what progress President Trump makes in turning it into what he has called the "Great Wall".
Who is going to pay for Trump's border wall?
Mr Trump's second executive order on border security said 10,000 more immigration officers would be hired to track down illegal immigrants - but extra funds will need to be signed off by Congress before this can happen.
His talk of a crackdown on illegal immigrants makes it sound as if they had an easy ride under President Obama, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest the opposite is true.
Between 2009 and 2015, the Obama administration deported more than 2.5 million people - most of whom had been convicted of some form of criminal offence or were recent arrivals - leading some to label President Obama the "deporter-in-chief".
At one point, Mr Trump pledged to remove everyone not lawfully in the US - more than 11 million by most estimates - but he backed away from that after the election.
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has launched a series of raids across the country since Mr Trump was elected, but it's still too early to say if deportation arrests have increased.
Has Trump started a new deportation drive?
Is arrest of 'dreamer' a sign of things to come?
What has been done on healthcare?
Healthcare was an early test for President Trump and the Republican Party.
President Obama's Affordable Care Act helped more than 20 million previously-uninsured Americans to finally get health cover - but Mr Trump said he would act quickly to "repeal and replace" it.
While the Republican-controlled Congress has started efforts to repeal what's know as Obamacare, it is unclear whether they will try to replace it completely or just repair elements of it.
Can Obamacare be repealed?Can Obamacare be repealed?
US patients await Obamacare's fateUS patients await Obamacare's fate
But the scheme has faced several problems along the way and recent premium hikes helped the Republicans frame Obamacare as a failure during the election campaign. The scheme has faced several problems along the way and premium hikes in 2016 helped the Republicans frame it as a failure during the election campaign.
Now that they have significant control of Congress, the likelihood of the policy being scrapped has increased, but they could face a huge backlash if they fail to put an effective replacement plan together. But a report by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office found that 18 million people could lose their insurance within a year if Congress repealed parts of it without having a new system in place.
A report by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that 18 million people could lose their insurance within a year and 32 million by 2026 if Congress repealed some parts of the ACA without having a new system in place. Senior Republicans have said legislation to replace it will be unveiled in March.
Seeds of a Trump-Republican conflict
Will Trump cut illegal immigration?
Immigration was Donald Trump's signature issue during the election campaign and the main focus of the speech he gave back in June 2015 announcing his candidacy.
To halt the flow of illegal Mexican immigrants, Mr Trump promised to build a "beautiful" wall along the 2,000-plus-mile border and make Mexico pay for it. There is already some form of barrier in place along several parts, but we'll be tracking the new president's progress with the "Great Wall".
How realistic is Trump's Mexico wall?
What marks does Obama's presidency deserve?
Mr Trump's talk of a crackdown on illegal immigrants makes it sound as if they have had an easy ride under President Obama, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest the opposite is true.
Between 2009 and 2015, the Obama administration deported more than 2.5 million people - most of whom had been convicted of some form of criminal offence or were recent arrivals - leading some to label President Obama the "deporter-in-chief".
At one point, Mr Trump pledged to remove everyone not lawfully in the US - more than 11 million by most estimates - but he has backed away from that in recent months.
Whatever he does, it will be a while before we see clear evidence of the effect it has because the Department of Homeland Security only issues annual statistics on enforcement - and we're still waiting for the 2016 data.