Jury sees baby's bloodied clothes


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The jury at the trial of a British man accused of the murder in the US of his wife and baby has been shown his daughter's blood-stained clothes.

The white sleepsuit was worn by nine-month-old Lillian Entwistle when she was shot dead at home in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, in January 2006.

The US court also saw a green shirt and floral underwear worn by Lillian.

Neil Entwistle, 29, from Worksop, Nottinghamshire, denies murdering his American wife Rachel, 27, and Lillian.

Close range

The court has heard that Mr Entwistle's DNA was found on the grip of the .22 Colt revolver used to kill his wife and daughter.

The jury was told that a post-mortem examination found Mrs Entwistle was shot in the forehead at close range. Lillian was killed as she was being held by her mother.

Forensic scientist Deanna Dygan told the court that Lillian had been shot at point-blank range.

Ms Dygan agreed with Elliot Weinstein, defending Mr Entwistle, that she saw a "bloody and horrific mess" at the family's home.

She said she had written down Mr Entwistle's name as a possible suspect before arriving at the scene, but denied this had "coloured" her thinking.

British arrest

John Drugan, supervisor of the state police's arson and explosives unit, told the court that particles of gunshot powder were found on Mrs Entwistle's hands.

Mr Drugan agreed with Mr Weinstein that this could mean she either handled the gun, fired the gun, or was in the area when the gun was fired.

Mr Entwistle was arrested at Royal Oak Tube station in west London in February 2006 and taken back to the US.

Prosecutors have told the jury he had a secret life - he had been thousands of pounds in debt, had visited websites offering casual sex, and searched online for ways to kill people and take his own life.

The former IT worker faces life in prison without the possibility of parole if he is convicted of the double murder.

The trial continues.