UK worker shot dead in Iraq named

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A UK security worker shot dead while travelling in a convoy in southern Iraq has been named as Simon Hall.

Mr Hall, who was married and from Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, was working for Securiforce International and had been in an armoured vehicle.

The shooting happened on 17 November as the workers entered the country from Kuwait at a border point at Al Zubayr.

Iraqi major General Ali al-Moussawi said police had opened fire after a vehicle failed to stop at a roadblock.

Three other British men employed by Securiforce International, who were travelling in the same vehicle as Mr Hall, suffered gunshot wounds.

Reports from the town claimed two Iraqi policemen were killed and two women bystanders wounded in the clash.

A Securiforce International spokesman said: "Our company has visited his wife personally and spoken with her and made sure that she has people to call on.

"We waited there until neighbours and family arrived. We are now investigating how this incident happened along with the Iraqi police and the British authorities."

The spokesman did not release details of Mr Hall's age or position in the company.

The Foreign Office said it was waiting for more information from Iraqi officials about the incident, but it understood the injured men were being flown back to the UK from Kuwait.

A British military spokeswoman in Basra said there was "no multinational military involvement" in the incident.