Harvester owner faces ultimatum


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Legal moves could be started to force the owner of the Solway Harvester to give evidence at an inquest into the deaths of its seven crewmen.

The inquest has been adjourned after Richard Gidney failed to appear.

In a strongly-worded statement to the court, the Isle of Man coroner Michael Moyle expressed "concern and displeasure" at Mr Gidney's absence.

The Solway Harvester sank off the Manx coast in January 2000 with the loss of its Isle of Whithorn crew.

Last year, Mr Gidney was cleared of the crew's manslaughter when the prosecution case at his trial collapsed.

In their view it might be difficult for Mr Gidney to avoid being labelled, not only a hypocrite, but a coward Coroner Michael Moyle

He was due to be the key witness at the much-delayed coroner's inquest - the final legal process under Manx law.

However, Mr Moyle revealed that Mr Gidney has repeatedly made himself unavailable and then stated his unwillingness to appear at all.

The coroner said he could not say with "absolute certainty" that he had been misled.

However, he wished to make known his "concern and displeasure" at Mr Gidney's non-attendance.

Mr Moyle read a newspaper article from the time of the trial in which Mr Gidney expressed regret that his side of the case had not been presented.

'Distressing time'

In light of present developments - the coroner said - such words may appear to the family and friends of the deceased to be "mealy-mouthed and as empty and as hollow as the man who uttered them".

"In their view it might be difficult for Mr Gidney to avoid being labelled, not only a hypocrite, but a coward," he added.

Mr Moyle said he was giving Mr Gidney a further 14 days to reconsider his position after which he would take steps to force him to give evidence.

Simon Mann, representing a number of the families, said: "It has been a very distressing time for the families and the court has obviously done the decent thing."

None of the families attended the hearing.