Papers look at toxin thallium

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Details about the toxin thallium can be found in many papers after the suspected plot to poison a former Russian security agent.

The Daily Telegraph says the CIA is alleged to have planned to use a thallium compound to make Fidel Castro's beard fall out in the 1960s.

The Daily Mail adds that the toxin can kill a human within 10 hours.

Victims suffer internal haemorrhaging, gastroenteritis, and respiratory and cardiac failure, it says.

Star wedding

The wedding of Hollywood actors Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes also makes many front pages.

The Daily Mirror describes it as a "lavish and bizarre" event and claims scientologist David Miscavige will join them on their honeymoon.

The Daily Mail questions why the star couple look as if they are the same height in the official photograph.

The paper says Cruise is two inches shorter than Holmes and suggests that she is bending or he is wearing lifts inside his shoes.

The Independent is among several papers to report that modern technology has provided the first e-fit of the illusive killer Jack the Ripper.

The paper also says a geographical profiler has pinpointed the street where he could have lived.

The culprit, who mutilated his five female victims after strangling them, was discounted by police for looking "too ordinary or mundane", it says.

The Daily Express says he was aged between 25 and 35 and was tall and stocky.

Record attempt

Two men who are aiming to break the world record for rowing across the Atlantic have turned to an unusual form of preparation - couple counselling.

Stuart Turnbull and Ed Bayliss have told the Daily Telegraph that a relationship counsellor has helped them to "work through their differences".

The pair, who will make the 3,000-mile journey together, said they got a lot out of it.

Mr Turnbull tells the paper: "We should complement each other nicely."