Beacon activation sparks search

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A racing yacht sparked a major four-hour search after its emergency beacon activated in the channel.

Coastguards were unable to contact the vessel Clarionet which was taking part in the 245-mile Myth of Malham race.

The race goes from Cowes, Isle of Wight to the Eddystone Lighthouse off Plymouth, Devon and back again.

Following the beacon signal a rescue helicopter, lifeboat and civilian and fishing vessels began a search south of Plymouth.

'Perfectly all right'

The search was called off after coastguards established the vessel was not in trouble.

"We have not established why the beacon went off," said a Brixham coastguard spokesman.

A Royal Ocean Racing Club spokesman said they had contacted the yacht by mobile phone and the vessel was "perfectly all right" and heading east up the channel.

"They had no knowledge that the emergency beacon had gone off, and said it looked sealed and okay.

"They will be getting it looked at," said the spokesman.