Boris and Brown draw cartoonists

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The blonde mop of hair is there, and the celebratory glass of fizz. But it is a cartoon Boris Johnson that takes up the front page of the Sunday Telegraph.

After the highs of Thursday's London mayoral election, the paper outlines how he will get down to business with a "blueprint for a Tory revolution".

His planned reforms are the test-bed for a future Tory government, it says.

But for the Independent on Sunday, Boris is a potential "loose cannon" in David Cameron's general election hopes.

Brown whacked

Pencils are sharpened again in the Observer - in its cartoon, a great clunking fist marked local elections gives Gordon Brown a whack.

Labour didn't just lose the poll," it says, "the Conservatives won it, with a landslide share of the national vote".

The Mail on Sunday is one of many to focus on troubled times for Mr Brown.

The Sunday Times leads on more threats over the 10p tax rate abolition. In the Sunday Mirror, Labour MP John Cruddas says party supporters feel abandoned.

Dungeon's secrets

Further grim details of the ordeal suffered by the victims of Austrian Josef Fritzl lead the Sunday Mirror.

His daughter, imprisoned in a dungeon along with their children, was chained up for the first nine months of her captivity, the paper claims.

Former British Airways chief executive Bob Ayling writes in the Sunday Times, attacking Heathrow airport's expansion.

He says operator BAA has a flawed business model and warns a third runway would be a "costly mistake".

Same song sheet?

And the Observer reveals the Co-Op will be the first major chain to stop using the Mosquito anti-teenager device.

Some people with autism say they have been badly affected by the ultrasonic sound - instead Mozart and Barry Manilow will be used to repel youngsters.

While a note of discord has silenced attempts to make a national songbook for schools, the Sunday Telegraph says.

Experts failed to draw up a shortlist, and a national song bank will instead include a wide range of tunes.