'Offensive' poster banned on Tube


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London Underground (LU) has been accused of censorship after refusing to put up posters for a comedy show.

LU said adverts for the show "Pride and Prejudice and Niggas" by African-American comedian Reginald D Hunter were "likely to offend".

Mr Hunter told the BBC the term refers to people with "impoverished mentality" rather than their ethnicity or race.

LU said posters could be put up if the title was changed, but Mr Hunter said that would compromise his integrity.

He said it was "censorship by a corporation rather than a government".

Adverse effects

A statement from LU said: "London Underground and Viacom work closely to ensure that when we consider advertising appropriate for the Tube, we take into account words or phrases that may offend some passengers.

"On this occasion, it was felt that the poster is likely to offend, so we took the decision to turn it down."

Mr Hunter said the absence of posters may have an adverse effect on the show or conversely the ban on the adverts may lead to "curiosity" and bring much more audience.

The three-week show is due to open on 4 December.