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Orlando shooting: attacker appeared to be self-radicalized, says Obama – rolling updates Orlando shooting: attacker appeared to be self-radicalized, says Obama – rolling updates
(35 minutes later)
10.37pm BST
In a statement naming the officers involved in the shootout at the Pulse nightclub, the Orlando police department spoke of the emotional challenges their officers face in the wake of the tragedy.
One of the most difficult tasks for any law enforcement officer is making death notifications to next of kin.
Our personnel have done that over more than 24 hours with great care and compassion for the families and loved ones who have suffered devastating losses.
Those relatives and friends have been kind and gracious in a most unbearable time of grief.
The officers involved were:
Officer working extra duty at Pulse: Officer Adam Gruler, member of OPD since 2001
First Patrol Unit On Scene (Also a SWAT Member): Lieutenant Scott Smith, member of OPD since 1992
First Patrol Unit On Scene (Also a SWAT Member): Sergeant Jeffrey Backhaus, member of OPD since 2004
SWAT: Officer Timothy Stanley, member of OPD since 1998
SWAT: Officer Kevin Easterling, member of OPD since 1994
SWAT: Officer Andrew Bishop, member of OPD since 1994
SWAT: Sergeant James Parker, member of OPD since 1991
SWAT: Detective Raul Rivas, member of OPD since 1992
SWAT: Lieutenant Jonathan Bigelow, member of OPD since 2001
SWAT: Officer Ricardo Duenas, member of OPD since 2014
Officer shot in the Kevlar helmet: Officer Michael Napolitano, member of OPD since 2012
10.34pm BST
48 of the 49 victims of the shooting at Pulse nightclub have been identified, according to the Orlando mayor’s office.
The latest to be identified is Akyra Monet Murray, who was 18 years old.
10.22pm BST
Orlando gunman's father speaks
Jessica Glenza
The Guardian’s Jessica Glenza has spoken with the father of the gunman at his house in Port St. Lucie.
Reporters were allowed into Seddique Mateen’s house one-by-one, and asked to take their shoes off. Mateen was wearing a grey suit and a blue silk tie, Glenza says.
“The loss of these people, I feel more than the loss of my son,” he told the Guardian. “What he did, I don’t forgive him.”
He said his son could have got “a master’s degree, become a doctor, make a lot of money.”
Mateen said his son visited him “two to three times a week” at his house. He said he came there on Saturday, the day of the shooting, at “around three or four.”
Asked what they spoke about, he said he didn’t remember.
However, he attempted to cast aspersions on his son’s first wife, Sitora Yusufiy, who said that his son, Omar Mateen, beat her. “I think she did to get some fame and some news,” he said, calling her “an opportunist”.
About the incident in Miami, where in previous interviews he has said that the sight of two men kissing appeared to enrage his son, Mateen said that “it was unusual behaviour in front of the kids and women.”
at 10.23pm BST
9.55pm BST9.55pm BST
Ben QuinnBen Quinn
The vigil in the heart of London’s gay community is being followed up with parties that are still going hard on the streets of Soho, reports Ben Quinn.The vigil in the heart of London’s gay community is being followed up with parties that are still going hard on the streets of Soho, reports Ben Quinn.
There’s a defiant buzz outside the Admiral Duncan pub, scene of a horrific nail bomb attack 17 years ago by a British neo-nazi.There’s a defiant buzz outside the Admiral Duncan pub, scene of a horrific nail bomb attack 17 years ago by a British neo-nazi.
Andrea Dykes, 27, who was pregnant, John Light, 32, and Nick Moore, 31, were killed by the blast. All were having a drink before a night out in London’s West End. Seventy-nine others were seriously hurt.Andrea Dykes, 27, who was pregnant, John Light, 32, and Nick Moore, 31, were killed by the blast. All were having a drink before a night out in London’s West End. Seventy-nine others were seriously hurt.
Elsewhere along Old Compton Street, other little gatherings of faith groups, drag Queens and all sorts of Londoners are continuing.Elsewhere along Old Compton Street, other little gatherings of faith groups, drag Queens and all sorts of Londoners are continuing.
At one point, a man from Florida spoke movingly to crowds who had gathered around a group of dancers at one end of the street.At one point, a man from Florida spoke movingly to crowds who had gathered around a group of dancers at one end of the street.
Here’s a flavor of what’s still going on after that vigil earlier:Here’s a flavor of what’s still going on after that vigil earlier:
And another view, captured from a rooftop by Imani Amrani.And another view, captured from a rooftop by Imani Amrani.
One of the most beautiful moments at the #Orlando vigil on Old Compton Street #Solidarity #LGBT of the most beautiful moments at the #Orlando vigil on Old Compton Street #Solidarity #LGBT
9.41pm BST9.41pm BST
Ben JacobsBen Jacobs
More from Ben Jacobs at this afternoon’s Trump rally, who reports that the presumptive Republican nominee for president also used his speech to make the election a referendum on “radical Islam.”More from Ben Jacobs at this afternoon’s Trump rally, who reports that the presumptive Republican nominee for president also used his speech to make the election a referendum on “radical Islam.”
The presumptive nominee said “this is not just a national security issue, it’s a quality of life issue” and argued We need to tell the truth about how radical Islam is coming to shores, and it’s coming with these people folks, it’s coming.The presumptive nominee said “this is not just a national security issue, it’s a quality of life issue” and argued We need to tell the truth about how radical Islam is coming to shores, and it’s coming with these people folks, it’s coming.
He derided Hillary Clinton for saying “Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people” and warned that admitting Syrian refugees “could be a better, bigger more horrible version of the legendary Trojan horse.”He derided Hillary Clinton for saying “Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people” and warned that admitting Syrian refugees “could be a better, bigger more horrible version of the legendary Trojan horse.”
He went on to claim that Muslims in the United States are aiding terrorist attacks. “The Muslim communities, most importantly they have to work with us, they have to cooperate with us and turn in the people they know are bad. They have to do it and they have to do it forthwith,” said Trump. The presumptive nominee added that many Muslims are hiding behind “political correctness” to avoid sharing their knowledge of terrorist activities to law enforcement officials.He went on to claim that Muslims in the United States are aiding terrorist attacks. “The Muslim communities, most importantly they have to work with us, they have to cooperate with us and turn in the people they know are bad. They have to do it and they have to do it forthwith,” said Trump. The presumptive nominee added that many Muslims are hiding behind “political correctness” to avoid sharing their knowledge of terrorist activities to law enforcement officials.
Trump went on to say “people who know what was going on and they knew exactly, they used the excuse of racial profiling which was probably an excuse given to them by their lawyer, so they don’t get in trouble.”Trump went on to say “people who know what was going on and they knew exactly, they used the excuse of racial profiling which was probably an excuse given to them by their lawyer, so they don’t get in trouble.”
The presumptive Republican nominee also went out of his way to proclaim himself as an advocate of the LGBT community. He claimed “Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views.”The presumptive Republican nominee also went out of his way to proclaim himself as an advocate of the LGBT community. He claimed “Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views.”
Clinton though is an ardent supporter of non-discrimination laws against LGBT Americans as well as same-sex marriage. Trump is opposed to same-sex marriage and has dodged on the question of non-discrimination laws in the past.Clinton though is an ardent supporter of non-discrimination laws against LGBT Americans as well as same-sex marriage. Trump is opposed to same-sex marriage and has dodged on the question of non-discrimination laws in the past.
The presumptive Republican nominee, who has already called for Obama to resign from office for not using the phrase “radical Islam,” implied earlier Monday that the president was somehow colluding with terrorists. “We’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind,” Trump told Fox News.The presumptive Republican nominee, who has already called for Obama to resign from office for not using the phrase “radical Islam,” implied earlier Monday that the president was somehow colluding with terrorists. “We’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind,” Trump told Fox News.
He later added “he doesn’t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands -- it’s one or the other and either one is unacceptable.”He later added “he doesn’t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands -- it’s one or the other and either one is unacceptable.”
The presumptive Republican nominee had long indulged in the conspiracy theory that Obama was not born in the United States and claimed that he sent investigators to Hawaii to discover the truth.The presumptive Republican nominee had long indulged in the conspiracy theory that Obama was not born in the United States and claimed that he sent investigators to Hawaii to discover the truth.
Trump, who has been endorsed by the NRA, reiterated his opposition to further gun control measures. Although the New York real estate mogul once supported a ban on assault weapons, he has since become “a Second Amendment person” and has attacked Hillary Clinton based on the false claim that she wants to “repeal the Second Amendment.”Trump, who has been endorsed by the NRA, reiterated his opposition to further gun control measures. Although the New York real estate mogul once supported a ban on assault weapons, he has since become “a Second Amendment person” and has attacked Hillary Clinton based on the false claim that she wants to “repeal the Second Amendment.”
Trump also said: “The only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here”Trump also said: “The only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here”
You can read Trump’s speech in full on his Facebook page.You can read Trump’s speech in full on his Facebook page.
9.28pm BST9.28pm BST
In a chilling foreshadowing of Sunday morning’s tragedy, this video from a PBS news hour special with President Obama from just 11 days ago shows the president speaking of his anger at the inability of the government to prevent people under investigation for Isis links from buying firearms because of the NRA.In a chilling foreshadowing of Sunday morning’s tragedy, this video from a PBS news hour special with President Obama from just 11 days ago shows the president speaking of his anger at the inability of the government to prevent people under investigation for Isis links from buying firearms because of the NRA.
“I just came from a meeting today in the Situation Room in which I’ve got people who we know have been on ISIL websites, living here in the United States, US citizens, and we’re allowed to put them on the no-fly list when it comes to airlines, but because of the National Rifle Association I cannot prohibit those people from buying a gun,” the president says.“I just came from a meeting today in the Situation Room in which I’ve got people who we know have been on ISIL websites, living here in the United States, US citizens, and we’re allowed to put them on the no-fly list when it comes to airlines, but because of the National Rifle Association I cannot prohibit those people from buying a gun,” the president says.
He continued:He continued:
This is somebody who is a known ISIL sympathizer, and if he wants to walk in to a gun store or a gun show right now, and buy as much, as many weapons as ammo as he can, nothing is prohibiting him from doing that, even though the FBI knows how that person is.This is somebody who is a known ISIL sympathizer, and if he wants to walk in to a gun store or a gun show right now, and buy as much, as many weapons as ammo as he can, nothing is prohibiting him from doing that, even though the FBI knows how that person is.
You can watch the video in full below.You can watch the video in full below.
at 9.34pm BSTat 9.34pm BST
9.17pm BST9.17pm BST
Sahil Kapur, a political reporter with Bloomberg, has been tweeting some interesting analysis about the constitutionality of Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim immigrants to the US - a ban which Trump has returned to after the tragedy in Orlando, despite having previously downplayed it as a mere “suggestion”.Sahil Kapur, a political reporter with Bloomberg, has been tweeting some interesting analysis about the constitutionality of Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim immigrants to the US - a ban which Trump has returned to after the tragedy in Orlando, despite having previously downplayed it as a mere “suggestion”.
“Trump says his Muslim ban would be lifted only when the US can “properly and perfectly screen” everyone coming here,” Kapur tweeted. “Does POTUS have the legal authority to do this unilaterally?”“Trump says his Muslim ban would be lifted only when the US can “properly and perfectly screen” everyone coming here,” Kapur tweeted. “Does POTUS have the legal authority to do this unilaterally?”
Later, he tweeted “Per immigration lawyers, answer is yes—president has broad power to ban entry to anyone suspected of being a threat.”Later, he tweeted “Per immigration lawyers, answer is yes—president has broad power to ban entry to anyone suspected of being a threat.”
This is the relevant statute:This is the relevant statute:
The section of the law: POTUS may "suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens…" section of the law: POTUS may "suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens…"
9.12pm BST9.12pm BST
The US Senate just held its customary moment of silence for the victims of the Orlando shooting.The US Senate just held its customary moment of silence for the victims of the Orlando shooting.
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell tweeted immediately afterwards praising the first responders on the scene.Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell tweeted immediately afterwards praising the first responders on the scene.
Let us recognize each act of heroism in #Orlando, and let us never forget the debts we owe to first responders.Let us recognize each act of heroism in #Orlando, and let us never forget the debts we owe to first responders.
Not everyone is a fan of these moments. Jim Hines, a congressman from Connecticut, tweeted his disgust yesterday at the fact that moments of silence seemed to replace meaningful change:Not everyone is a fan of these moments. Jim Hines, a congressman from Connecticut, tweeted his disgust yesterday at the fact that moments of silence seemed to replace meaningful change:
I will not attend one more"Moment of Silence" on the Floor. Our silence does not honor the victims, it mocks them. will not attend one more"Moment of Silence" on the Floor. Our silence does not honor the victims, it mocks them.
9.06pm BST9.06pm BST
Ben JacobsBen Jacobs
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump took a grisly victory-lap on Sunday on Twitter in the wake of the Orlando attack:Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump took a grisly victory-lap on Sunday on Twitter in the wake of the Orlando attack:
Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!
On Monday, in a speech in Goffstown, New Hampshire, he escaleted his demagogic rhetoric, reports Ben Jacobs:On Monday, in a speech in Goffstown, New Hampshire, he escaleted his demagogic rhetoric, reports Ben Jacobs:
In a speech originally intended to be an attack on Bill and Hillary Clinton and refocused to be a discussion “of the serious threats facing all Americans and his solutions for making this country safe again,” Trump expanded his call for an ban on Muslims entering the United States, insisting that it could be done by executive order, and held all Muslims in the United States responsible for acts of terror.In a speech originally intended to be an attack on Bill and Hillary Clinton and refocused to be a discussion “of the serious threats facing all Americans and his solutions for making this country safe again,” Trump expanded his call for an ban on Muslims entering the United States, insisting that it could be done by executive order, and held all Muslims in the United States responsible for acts of terror.
The presumptive nominee seemingly expanded his call for a Muslim ban and insisted that he could do so unilaterally as President.The presumptive nominee seemingly expanded his call for a Muslim ban and insisted that he could do so unilaterally as President.
“The immigration laws of the United States give the President the power to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons that the President deems detrimental to the interests or security of the United States, as he deems appropriate,” said Trump.“The immigration laws of the United States give the President the power to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons that the President deems detrimental to the interests or security of the United States, as he deems appropriate,” said Trump.
He went on “I will use this power to protect the American people. When I am elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world when there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we understand how to end these threats.”He went on “I will use this power to protect the American people. When I am elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world when there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we understand how to end these threats.”
Omar Mateen, the perpetrator of the Orlando attack, was born in the United States.Omar Mateen, the perpetrator of the Orlando attack, was born in the United States.
Trump has long courted controversy with his proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. A top advisor said at the time that the ban was based on the need to “stop, take a break, have a look and make sure everything is cool” Although Trump has since insisted that “it was just a suggestion,” he doubled down on it on Twitter in the past day and took a victory lap on Monday. “I called for a ban after San Bernardino, and was met with great scorn and anger but now, many are saying I was right to do so,” he boasted.”Trump has long courted controversy with his proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. A top advisor said at the time that the ban was based on the need to “stop, take a break, have a look and make sure everything is cool” Although Trump has since insisted that “it was just a suggestion,” he doubled down on it on Twitter in the past day and took a victory lap on Monday. “I called for a ban after San Bernardino, and was met with great scorn and anger but now, many are saying I was right to do so,” he boasted.”
8.58pm BST8.58pm BST
Thousands gathered tonight in London’s Soho to stand in solidarity with the victims of the Orlando attack. This video, compiled by the Guardian, shows something of the scale of the crowds.Thousands gathered tonight in London’s Soho to stand in solidarity with the victims of the Orlando attack. This video, compiled by the Guardian, shows something of the scale of the crowds.
8.43pm BST8.43pm BST
What we knowWhat we know
Nicky Woolf here, taking over from my colleague Alan Yuhas.Nicky Woolf here, taking over from my colleague Alan Yuhas.
Here’s a brief summary Alan prepared about where we stand at 3:30pm EST.Here’s a brief summary Alan prepared about where we stand at 3:30pm EST.
The worst mass shooting in American history was perpetrated at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in the early hours of Sunday morning.The worst mass shooting in American history was perpetrated at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in the early hours of Sunday morning.
Authorities also provided their best assessment of the investigation so far.Authorities also provided their best assessment of the investigation so far.
8.19pm BST8.19pm BST
Nearly all the family of deceased victims have been notified by authorities, though a few continue to learn at the Orlando Regional Medical Center. My colleague Richard Luscombe reports from Orlando.Nearly all the family of deceased victims have been notified by authorities, though a few continue to learn at the Orlando Regional Medical Center. My colleague Richard Luscombe reports from Orlando.
By early afternoon Monday, numbers at a family assistance site had dwindled as more relatives learned the fate of their loved ones.By early afternoon Monday, numbers at a family assistance site had dwindled as more relatives learned the fate of their loved ones.
Among them was Cesar Flores, whose New York-born daughter Mercedez Marisol Flores, 26, was confirmed among the dead.Among them was Cesar Flores, whose New York-born daughter Mercedez Marisol Flores, 26, was confirmed among the dead.
“I forgive the murderer of my daughter, I cannot live with such great hatred,” said Flores, who is from Guatemala.“I forgive the murderer of my daughter, I cannot live with such great hatred,” said Flores, who is from Guatemala.
“I want you to take better care of your children, see the situation I’m going through. Be together in peace and love one another.”“I want you to take better care of your children, see the situation I’m going through. Be together in peace and love one another.”
In broken English, and speaking through tears, Flores said his daughter was “a great girl” who was enjoying her studies at Orlando’s Valencia Community College, but had not yet decided what she wanted to do in life.In broken English, and speaking through tears, Flores said his daughter was “a great girl” who was enjoying her studies at Orlando’s Valencia Community College, but had not yet decided what she wanted to do in life.
“Mercedez, she had so many ideas, so much happening,” he said, adding that the family had moved to the central Florida city of Davenport from New York in 2012.“Mercedez, she had so many ideas, so much happening,” he said, adding that the family had moved to the central Florida city of Davenport from New York in 2012.
“She was a very happy girl all of the time, she worked hard.”“She was a very happy girl all of the time, she worked hard.”
Flores also revealed that his daughter had died alongside her best friend, Amanda Alvear, 25, a nursing student who also lived in Davenport, and who was confirmed dead earlier in the day.Flores also revealed that his daughter had died alongside her best friend, Amanda Alvear, 25, a nursing student who also lived in Davenport, and who was confirmed dead earlier in the day.
“They grew up together, they were best friends,” Flores said. “No words can describe the pain.”“They grew up together, they were best friends,” Flores said. “No words can describe the pain.”
Alvear’s brother Brian told the Orlando Sentinel that he believed his sister was among a number of victims killed as they huddled together in a bathroom stall.Alvear’s brother Brian told the Orlando Sentinel that he believed his sister was among a number of victims killed as they huddled together in a bathroom stall.
In contrast to Sunday, when families of the dead and missing mingled freely with reporters at a hastily set-up reception site at a hotel close to the hospital, the families were kept apart from the media on Monday at the Beardall Senior Centre, a decision made, officials said, to afford them greater privacy.In contrast to Sunday, when families of the dead and missing mingled freely with reporters at a hastily set-up reception site at a hotel close to the hospital, the families were kept apart from the media on Monday at the Beardall Senior Centre, a decision made, officials said, to afford them greater privacy.
By 2pm, only a handful of families remained inside with teams of grief counsellors and religious advisers, including representatives of the Islamic Center of Orlando.By 2pm, only a handful of families remained inside with teams of grief counsellors and religious advisers, including representatives of the Islamic Center of Orlando.
7.48pm BST7.48pm BST
My colleague Elena Cresci is also on the scene in London, and taking pictures that suggest the sheer number of people out to stand in solidarity with the LGBT victims of Sunday’s attack.My colleague Elena Cresci is also on the scene in London, and taking pictures that suggest the sheer number of people out to stand in solidarity with the LGBT victims of Sunday’s attack.
Old Compton street vigil is incredible - just look at how full it is Compton street vigil is incredible - just look at how full it is
here's a view of the Orlando vigil at Old Compton Street from above's a view of the Orlando vigil at Old Compton Street from above
7.42pm BST7.42pm BST
Ben QuinnBen Quinn
In London thousands of people have gathered to hold vigil for the victims of Orlando and to stand together against bigotry and homophobia, at a moving scene in Soho, the city’s historic gay district. My colleague Ben Quinn reports.In London thousands of people have gathered to hold vigil for the victims of Orlando and to stand together against bigotry and homophobia, at a moving scene in Soho, the city’s historic gay district. My colleague Ben Quinn reports.
They came in their thousands, gay and straight, old and young, packing the heart of London’s gay community for a vigil in memory of those slain during the Orlando massacre.They came in their thousands, gay and straight, old and young, packing the heart of London’s gay community for a vigil in memory of those slain during the Orlando massacre.
In an area famed for its revelry, heads were bowed for a minute, before defiant cheers and applause greeted the release of dozens of rainbow balloons into the skies above Soho’s Old Compton Street.In an area famed for its revelry, heads were bowed for a minute, before defiant cheers and applause greeted the release of dozens of rainbow balloons into the skies above Soho’s Old Compton Street.
For many, the impact of the massacre in Florida was even more keenly in an area which was the scene 17 years ago of the worst homophobic attack in British history, when a nail bomb blast killed three and wounded 70.For many, the impact of the massacre in Florida was even more keenly in an area which was the scene 17 years ago of the worst homophobic attack in British history, when a nail bomb blast killed three and wounded 70.
London stands with Orlando - proud to join the vigil in Soho #WeAreOrlando stands with Orlando - proud to join the vigil in Soho #WeAreOrlando
“What happened in Florida does bring back the memories,” said Ian Davis, who was living in London at the time, as he gathered with others last night beneath rainbow flags which flew above the crowds and appeared on screens outside clubs and bars.“What happened in Florida does bring back the memories,” said Ian Davis, who was living in London at the time, as he gathered with others last night beneath rainbow flags which flew above the crowds and appeared on screens outside clubs and bars.
Did the community in Soho feel safe these days? He replied: “I think there is a lot of hatred, but there is also a lot more acceptance than there was . On the opposite side there are obviously a few people who are full of a lot of hatred.Did the community in Soho feel safe these days? He replied: “I think there is a lot of hatred, but there is also a lot more acceptance than there was . On the opposite side there are obviously a few people who are full of a lot of hatred.
A younger generation at the vigil might have been infants at the time of the attack on Soho, but they were just as aware of its legacy.A younger generation at the vigil might have been infants at the time of the attack on Soho, but they were just as aware of its legacy.
“Obviously we had the Paris attacks and everyone was shocked by it, but because Orlando was an attack on the LGBT community it feels very personal and a lot of people feel deeply affected by it,” said Jake Johnstone, who was was wearing the pink triangle of the 1980s “Act Up” movement and carrying a placard that read: “End Homophobia now – Stand with Orlando”.“Obviously we had the Paris attacks and everyone was shocked by it, but because Orlando was an attack on the LGBT community it feels very personal and a lot of people feel deeply affected by it,” said Jake Johnstone, who was was wearing the pink triangle of the 1980s “Act Up” movement and carrying a placard that read: “End Homophobia now – Stand with Orlando”.
Act Up triangles and solidarity in the Old Compton street crowd #Orlando Up triangles and solidarity in the Old Compton street crowd #Orlando
“The reason we’re here is to show solidarity with people in Florida. We’re also aware that there are people out there who have been engaging in Islamophobia. A lot of comments have been made that the blame for this is with a religion rather than homophobia and hatred.”“The reason we’re here is to show solidarity with people in Florida. We’re also aware that there are people out there who have been engaging in Islamophobia. A lot of comments have been made that the blame for this is with a religion rather than homophobia and hatred.”
at 7.51pm BSTat 7.51pm BST
7.21pm BST7.21pm BST
The gunman called the Boston Marathon bombers his “homeboys”, according to FBI Boston special agent in charge Harold Shaw.The gunman called the Boston Marathon bombers his “homeboys”, according to FBI Boston special agent in charge Harold Shaw.
The Boston branch has published a statement from Shaw:The Boston branch has published a statement from Shaw:
During one of the 911 calls between the operator and Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, Mateen made a reference to the Tsarnaev brothers by calling them his “homeboys”. At this point in time, all evidence collected to date shows no connection between Mateen and the Tsarnaev brothers.During one of the 911 calls between the operator and Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, Mateen made a reference to the Tsarnaev brothers by calling them his “homeboys”. At this point in time, all evidence collected to date shows no connection between Mateen and the Tsarnaev brothers.
FBI Boston is postured to assist FBI Tampa in the ongoing investigation, if requested. As is standard practice in Boston, we are sharing real-time information and intelligence with our federal, state, local and community partners. Currently, we have no specific, credible threats to our area as a result of the Orlando attack.FBI Boston is postured to assist FBI Tampa in the ongoing investigation, if requested. As is standard practice in Boston, we are sharing real-time information and intelligence with our federal, state, local and community partners. Currently, we have no specific, credible threats to our area as a result of the Orlando attack.
The gunman first claimed associations with the Tsarnaevs in 2013, the Guardian’s Spencer Ackerman reported before the FBI announcement on Monday morning. The FBI investigated and found no evidence to back his claims, made around May that year, a month after the brothers bombed the marathon, killing three and injuring 264.The gunman first claimed associations with the Tsarnaevs in 2013, the Guardian’s Spencer Ackerman reported before the FBI announcement on Monday morning. The FBI investigated and found no evidence to back his claims, made around May that year, a month after the brothers bombed the marathon, killing three and injuring 264.
Related: Orlando shooter investigated for false claim of ties to Boston Marathon bombersRelated: Orlando shooter investigated for false claim of ties to Boston Marathon bombers
7.17pm BST7.17pm BST
The gunman laughed as he killed people, a family friend of a clubgoer has claimed to my colleague Richard Luscombe, reporting from Orlando.The gunman laughed as he killed people, a family friend of a clubgoer has claimed to my colleague Richard Luscombe, reporting from Orlando.
Orlando gunman Omar Mateen laughed as he murdered victims hiding in a bathroom stall with an assault rifle, a pastor who is friends with one of the survivors claimed Monday.Orlando gunman Omar Mateen laughed as he murdered victims hiding in a bathroom stall with an assault rifle, a pastor who is friends with one of the survivors claimed Monday.
“He was laughing frantically,” said Deyni Ventura, “as he was spraying people with his gun.” Ventura is a pastor in nearby Sanford and a friend of the mother of the clubgoer, whom she would identify only as Norman, out of respect for the family’s privacy.“He was laughing frantically,” said Deyni Ventura, “as he was spraying people with his gun.” Ventura is a pastor in nearby Sanford and a friend of the mother of the clubgoer, whom she would identify only as Norman, out of respect for the family’s privacy.
“Norman received four gunshot wounds to his back he survived, and he should be released from the hospital today or tomorrow,” added Ventura, speaking to reporters outside the family assistance center close to the Pulse nightclub.“Norman received four gunshot wounds to his back he survived, and he should be released from the hospital today or tomorrow,” added Ventura, speaking to reporters outside the family assistance center close to the Pulse nightclub.
“He was in a bathroom stall with 30 other people, and those 30 other people are deceased. He is the only one that lived,” she added.“He was in a bathroom stall with 30 other people, and those 30 other people are deceased. He is the only one that lived,” she added.
Ventura said she spoke to Norman and his mother Vanessa at the Orlando Regional Medical Center earlier Monday, and said the 26 year old, who was at the club with friends celebrating his birthday, described the nightmare scene unfolding inside.Ventura said she spoke to Norman and his mother Vanessa at the Orlando Regional Medical Center earlier Monday, and said the 26 year old, who was at the club with friends celebrating his birthday, described the nightmare scene unfolding inside.
“When he laughed he took his gun and sprayed under the bathroom stall and on top of the bathroom stall, so then the bodies started collapsing and blood was going everywhere in the handicapped stall, 30 people squished in there getting shot,” she said. “He was laughing like he was making fun of the victims.“When he laughed he took his gun and sprayed under the bathroom stall and on top of the bathroom stall, so then the bodies started collapsing and blood was going everywhere in the handicapped stall, 30 people squished in there getting shot,” she said. “He was laughing like he was making fun of the victims.
“Then Norman had to climb over the bodies to try to climb on top. He said it was just horrific. While he was getting shot he felt the shots coming into his skin, he felt the warmth of it and he thought he was going to die.”“Then Norman had to climb over the bodies to try to climb on top. He said it was just horrific. While he was getting shot he felt the shots coming into his skin, he felt the warmth of it and he thought he was going to die.”
Ventura said when Norman, who is Puerto Rican, crawled out to safety through the a hole in the wall knocked out by police, he was faced with armed officers who began shooting around him.Ventura said when Norman, who is Puerto Rican, crawled out to safety through the a hole in the wall knocked out by police, he was faced with armed officers who began shooting around him.
“He said, ‘I’m not the shooter, I’m a victim, I’m a victim’ and he put his hands up in the air and then they went to him,” Ventura said.“He said, ‘I’m not the shooter, I’m a victim, I’m a victim’ and he put his hands up in the air and then they went to him,” Ventura said.
“He said must have some protection system, how did all the people around him die and he was the only one who survived this bathroom stall? He told his friends to leave but they were scared.“He said must have some protection system, how did all the people around him die and he was the only one who survived this bathroom stall? He told his friends to leave but they were scared.
“One of his best friends was a girl, another best friend was a male, and he had to climb over both their bodies to get to safety.”“One of his best friends was a girl, another best friend was a male, and he had to climb over both their bodies to get to safety.”
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at 7.23pm BSTat 7.23pm BST